By Anonymous - 13/07/2013 16:16 - Puerto Rico - San Juan

Today, I was playing Monopoly with my kids. It was fun, and led to some mock fights. My neighbor, who despises me for being a single mother, used it as an excuse to call the cops on me for "abusing" my kids. They were too confused to do anything but nod at the officer's accusing questions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 204
You deserved it 3 634

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Soniye 14

Call the cops on your neighbor for invading your privacy what right does your neighbor think they have ?! Spying on you like that


I hate when people exploit the emergency call number like that. Who knows who else could have used those cops that night.

Your neighbor despises you for being a single mother, but has he/she considered the reason you're a single mother could be because the father of the children left you or died or something? What a dick...I hope you explained this to the police. Too bad your kids didn't know to defend you, but I'm sure they were scared if the cops were questioning them in an accusatory tone.

Why does your neighbor despise you for being a single mom? If any thing you should be admired. **** them and keep your head up from negativity.

You're a bad mother and the police know this now. Two of your children in jail and the other not even able to afford a place on Baltic Ave. All this while your living it up with a hotel on Boardwalk. Tsk, tsk.

ravenluna10 1
Smoldering 15

Ohhh my...Wtf! Your neighbor is a jerk! I hate it when people hate on single mothers. My mother was a single mother and we both turned out just fine. That's bs Op explain to the cops that you where just playing flipping Monopoly. I am sorry Op.

Smoldering 15

Sorry I didn't read your post, but I agree. In fact I think I turned out better than most people my age that I know, bc my mom was a single mom. She kept/ keeps a close eye on me and I am a pretty straight laced teenager bc of my mom. She has taught me not to make the same mistakes she did at my age and she parents me so I won't. In short she's a really good mom.

10showgirl 16

Time to invest in quality window blinds and curtains.

Whoa OP! I don't want to be alarmist but this could lead to some serious issues! I feel like you need to do something about it, being accused of abuse is no joke! regardless of how false the claim might be, it can have serious consequences nowadays! I hope everything turns out okay, and disgusting neighbor you have pays the price for what could have happened due to his/her ignorant and pettiness.