By CircleBruise - 08/06/2010 23:58 - United States

Today, I was playing my guitar and singing on the street corner. I did earn money, when some guy threw a quarter out of his car window for me. It hit me in the face. I now have a circle shaped bruise under my eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 485
You deserved it 5 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments


porro182 0

he probably did it on purpose! cause u suck!!! haha

he must have thrown that quarter pretty damn hard to leave a mark

At lest it didn't hit you directly in the wye causing to go blind luck badgered that's what happened to my freind

thizzbox13 4

you should just kill yourself for being completely f**king worthless

twinkiee_fml 0

at least you got some money out of it. lol (:

9 and 27, where do you get soda that cheap? where I live it is between 1 and 2 dollars depending on where you are op, he had to have been throwing it at you and not to you if it left a mark like that

You should've practised before you played in public...