By Eli - 14/01/2010 00:08 - United States

Today, I was pointing out my car to my roommate. He responded with, "Oh that one with the broken window?" Turns out my car had been broken into. They took my CD player, GPS and Ipod. On top of that they left a Reese's Fastbreak wrapper and sunflower seeds on my front seat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 771
You deserved it 3 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cookies_for_you 0

If you left all that stuff in plain view, then YDI completely.

ouch sucks but hey eat the sunflower seeds


hey look on the bright side they were eating the sunflower seeds(DNA) and they left a wrapper with their finger prints on it.. who ever this person was, definately wasnt very smart at all lol..

mizu22 0

maybe there's DNA one the wrapper and they can catch the criminal

shamwowow 0

um no DNA doesnt work that way. You cant just pull out a name from a hair folical. Besides, its cheaper to replace eveything and buy insurance.

xAlwaysDreamNx 0

if u left all that stuff in ur car, serves u right. next time, don't leave valuables in ur car??

So to recap: Your roommate doesn't know what your car looks like, and literally needs to have it pointed out to him, but he knows that it has a broken window. You have both an iPod AND a CD player in your car. The guy who broke into your car stopped to have lunch. The fact that the guy left his a wrapper and some seeds on your seat is so terrible that it warrants an "on top of that." Just about every element of this story is kinda, sorta, not all that easy to believe, at least isolated on their own. Hmmm.

FYL for having to pay to get your car fixed and having the stuff stolen but YDI kind of too, for leaving a GPS and ipod in your car.

All of my stuff was in my glove compartment. They could not see any of it. I don't understand why everyone is backing up thieves? Try having your shit stolen and your window broken, it sucks.

The sunflower seeds imply the thief was Russian.

noshitsherlock 0

YDI for leaving your GPS and ipod in your car. Yeah, some glass windows are going to stop bad people from stealing shit. Dumbass.