By Laviolette - 23/02/2012 22:01 - France
Same thing different taste
By Damnsoup - 03/07/2009 00:12 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 24/11/2013 18:31 - France
By Lexi - 31/10/2009 20:15 - France
By newcomer - 12/04/2017 05:00 - Canada - Kingston
By Anonymous - 08/02/2016 17:43 - Austria
Bon appétit
By StijnDescamps - This FML is from back in 2019 but it's good stuff
By Prae - 01/10/2012 05:47 - United States - Dallas
Kitchen daydream
By Rordon Gamsey - 02/08/2022 16:00
By 5p4571k - 25/05/2014 17:35 - Canada - Chilliwack
Speak for yourself
By Anonymous - 21/08/2019 12:00
Top comments
"A sponge? Nooooo, this is a Sauce Storage Unit! Give it a good squeeze and let the contents flavour up your pasta :D"
Shoulda played it off as winning the prize;)
So how small was the sponge? .. Or shall I say, how small were your eyes?
Haha! Say it's to soak up any excess water, new technique?
Yeah, YDI. Maybe there aren't many fast food places in France, so it might have been impossible to go out and get something in a hurry, but maybe you should have told your in laws about the kitchen disaster and I am sure that they would be understanding.
as ******* if
I'd much rather wait for more pasta to be cooked, even if you have to make a store run, than to eat something that fell in your kitchen sink. That is disgusting. And sponges carry so many germs, it's rediculous. You're rediculous. YDI
#158 So true! I think it's really unsanitary! Eww
LMAO!! Funny stuff. Nice first impression with your cooking.
Can I just say how unsanitary that really is? Ew.
Dip it in sauce and call it a meatball?