By yodada - 10/03/2009 23:03 - United States

Today, I was pulled over because I looked like a possible suspect for a robbery. While searching me, the police's radio went off and the person on the other line said, "Possible suspect, 5'5", thin" - the officer stopped right then and murmured, "too short and fat" and walked back to his car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 529
You deserved it 4 862

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...wouldn't not being a suspect in a robbery be a GOOD thing?


Hey, why should the police be exempt from social mores all of sudden? Everyone knows in our current climate of Kate Moss, size 0, heroin chic et al, "skinny" really means "malnourished" and "anorexic".

you'd rather be a criminal than short and fat??

You all assume that if he did match the profile he would automatically be guilty. How many people are 5'5'' and thin? Answer: more than one.

#3: Really? You'd report that? I'm sure the cops have nothing better to do with their time than apologize for hurting this man's feelings. Your oversensitivity is part of the problem with today's society, where every child has to go home with a trophy so their feelings don't get hurt, and everyone gets a gold star, and red markers can't be used to grade tests because they're too intimidating. Go join the real world, and please don't sue me for saying so.

#16: Really? You being a douche is part of the problem with today's society. See what i did there?

keigangale 0
greatnt249 0

#14, no, but if he did match the profile he probably would have been hauled in for questioning. My point is that instead of whining about being called chubby, he should be glad he didn't have to do more to prove his innocence.

Calm down, people. It's an FML cause not only was (s)he almost arrested, which sucks in itself, but then he got called fat. Double whammy. That's all it is.

Well OP, you were too short and too fat to fit the suspect's description. The only issue is that the officer didn't sugar-coat the facts about the difference.

alex_vik 0

#16 - +1 for you # 17 - -1 for you