By left alone - 29/08/2016 12:46 - United States - Schenectady

Today, the client that hired us for cleaning cancelled her contract because I was seen "holding a broom backwards." I'm left-handed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 448
You deserved it 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL. What a moron to think that. You should've demonstrated the 'correct' way by whopping her over the head with it. It's a tough world for us lefties out there!

what the hell did she care, as long as the floor got swept?


FYL. What a moron to think that. You should've demonstrated the 'correct' way by whopping her over the head with it. It's a tough world for us lefties out there!

I do believe there is a clause in all policies that state that you can do that when your in sight of the said moron.

CrassKal 27

There's a right and wrong way to hold a broom?

There's a right and left way to hold a broom.

Goblin182 26

If the broom is angled, then yeah, there is a right way and a wrong way. But, still, even if OP was holding the broom wrong, not a reason to cancel a contract as long as the contractor was doing the job.

Lizzy500 16

Even with an angle, just turn the handle 180 degrees.

there is, but the wrong way is bristles upward... and lefties are too smart for that....

what the hell did she care, as long as the floor got swept?

Presumably the client believed that anyone who could hold a broom "incorrectly" wouldn't know how to sweep a floor properly.

Hunh?!?! How do you hold a broom backwards??? I am constantly amazed to see the stupids of the world rising to positions of wealth and power for no apparent reason...

Wait, wait, wait. I think I know what went wrong here. You were holding the bit with the brush on it, weren't you? See, that's all wrong. That's the side you're supposed to hit ignorant people like that client with. It's broader, so it covers more area and does a bit more damage to their few remaining brain cells.

Obviously she's a 'right' supremacist.

Well left handed people are evil... and the year is 1874 right?

Does that mean we have to burn OP? I mean they're obviously a witch, being left-handed and all. And they were using a broom.

I'm also left handed. I know the struggle of looking weird.

I'm not saying this is what happened here, but some people of a certain religion (spiritual belief? idk) believe if you don't sweep the broom in the right direction (right to left, I believe?) that you're inviting...well, I dunno what. They just don't like it.

You have to sweep to the left to sweep evil out your door and since OP is left handed that's exactly what they will have been doing so this is not the reason and that really only counts on certain occasions like Hallowe'en