By ashleyyyy - 28/10/2011 15:59 - United States

Today, I was pulled over for going the wrong way on a closed highway. The construction signs pointed me in that direction, and the cop agreed that they should be fixed. Did it stop him from giving me a ticket anyway? Nope. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 812
You deserved it 2 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_creator_fml 2

Ma'am, you do realize your going the wrong way right? What? how do you know where I'm going!


s3xymoma 1
every1luvsboners 11

I would take it to court and play the Mel Gibson card. "Which way is really right? Who determines this right way? What is right? How can someone go the right way, when they don't know the wrong way? What's the wrong way? CAN ANYONE ANSWER MY GODDAMN QUESTIONS?" You should get off with just a warning.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

It might seem like hokey pokey, but there is something to it.

And that's exactly the kind of behaviour you would expect from a cop.

Egnar 19

I got into an accident last year due to a black ice on a seasonal highway I was forced to take. In terms of the law it was clearly my fault, but, the situation and circumstance surrounding what happened made it impossible for a ticket to hold up in court [other guy begged me not to call cops, drove away, forced to drive 10minutes to get a cell-signal, waited 30 minutes for the state trooper to arrive, while inspecting the scene the guy I hit drove by and stopped to make sure nobody was hurt [knowing full well nobody was] and drove off]. I still got a ticket, which was subsequently dropped in court [I was forced to drive 2 hours upstate to go to court] and my story was corroborated by the State Trooper. Turned out that in the area anytime an accident happened it was mandated that a ticket be given out. Long story short, it's not always the cops fault.

Angry much #16? I have plenty of life experience and no criminal record, and yet I have witnessed police knowingly do the wrong thing simply because they can get away with it, or don't want to bother themselves with paperwork.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Don't sweat it 28. KaySL is always bitchy. People have just gotten used to it. But I agree with you as I have seen the same things happen. To me, it's always a disappointment in humanity. But people are naturally greedy, lazy, and selfish. You can't trust a flawed human being to be some kind of saint. Cops are just regular people with authority.

bfsd42 20

KaySL, why don't you shut your mouth? Your "disgust at these kinds of people" is no different than the other guys generalized opinion. I bet you are one of those people that win arguments by being the loudest.

bfsd42 - Yes, it is different. Because there is a clear difference between making a generalization about all cops and being disgusted specifically with people who make those kinds of comments. KaySL is not generalizing.

Damn kaysl you must have one hell of a week every month to bitch like that. And yes you yourself are generalizing. All I see in your arguments are assumptions based off nothing. I'm not saying all cops are like this, but when a majority are, then people tend to group them all together despite that a select few might actually do their job the way it's meant to be done. And once again I'm not saying it is right but it is human nature to generalize. Unfortunately in this country cops have a bad rep because of how many of them that do abuse their power.

Assumption right there in saying I get my information from the mass media. You can't possibly know for sure that everybody watches and believes the news. No all you can do is assume that and no I get my info from my own experiences and the experiences of others. Then your first comment sayin that the kid who originally started this thread has no life experience or is a criminal is both a generalization and an assumption. And then quoting me and saying it speaks volumes of my prejudice and blind uninformed hatred. You are an idiot. Plain and simple, I have no prejudice against cops nor do I hate them. You miss need to go back and retread your dictionary so you can actually use the words you are trying to use in the manner in which they actually make sense. I'm glad you're done though your comments have provided great amusement for me and my co-workers on how idiotic you sound and that your arguments have no basis on facts just on general assumptions of the American people as a whole.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

You know what? Most blacks are like that. So are most whites. So are most Jews. So are most Indian people. So are most Asian people. So are most people in general. And so are most cops. It doesn't matter which group we're talking about. What matters is that people are mostly shit. The hatred towards cops comes from strong feelings about personal experiences, and being let down by people you expect to be on your side, protecting you. You can't blame people for the way they feel. I don't believe anyone on here truly thinks each and every cop on the face of the earth is a scumbag, but enough of them are to cause the hate.

Snafuusmc 12

It seems as if you...Swerved into that one! Or You drove into that one! I'll be here all week!

edit: post removed; someone beat me to it :(

MrBoredGuy 1

Looks like the cop was trying to meet his end of the month quota. It's nothing that you can't settle in court though. Maybe you should have crawled into the passenger seat when he pulled you over just to see the look on his face.

s3xymoma 1

24- It's better than being normal. Being normal is boring. It's like being at a soccer game when someone goes streaking onto the field. Those people are usually weird, but it's much more entertaining to watch than watching someone cheer from the stands.

ikickgingers 15

Is this the part where you get naked?

#24 remember this, it's normal to be weird but weird to be normal

CommonSenseKarma 17

Then again, it's weird to be weird and normal to be completely dumb AF.

59- I can't get naked without having clothes on first. I've oiled myself up so that security will have a tougher time catching me. Tasers don't count.

that they should be fixed? since when are signs human?

Why do people think there are quotas? There are not quotas, that is illegal.

leadman1989 15

And the cops don't ever do anything "illegal". There ARE quotas because the NYPD admitted to wide spread drug planting to fill "arrest quotas".

They don't have quotas, they have "goals" and "expectations"

hairguitarhero 5

Please cite your references when graciously giving your sadly misinformed knowledge, so that the rest of us can stay away from whatever you are injecting into your pathetic little veins that make you hallucinate badly enough to think that we are going to believe such a ludicrous statement at only your word.

leadman1989 15

A short google search on "NYPD drug planting" will give you all the sources you want. If you want to avoid FACTS them far be it from me to stop you but please kindly **** off then!

Even considering the signs pointing to the closed highway, it didn't occur to you that something was wrong? Didn't you wonder why the road had no cars and there was construction completely surrounding you? The cops may have agreed with you but they probably were obligated to ticket you anyway.

I think it was more along the lines of a divided highway with 2 lanes on each side... Construction signs pointing to go in the right lane on the left side of the highway, turning it into more or less of a two lane road.

chels1994 11