By fiery - 24/07/2010 00:06 - United States

Today, I was reaching for something in the back of the refrigerator. The bottle of hot sauce that was in front of it fell and broke. Not only did the glass cut my feet up, but the hot sauce got in the fresh wounds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 032
You deserved it 4 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stormin972 0

Always put the hot sauce on the door. Lesson learned.

lovestrong 0

HAHAHAHA; Fuccck your life clumsy :)


deg171 0
xKianaLynn 0

& now u gotta get a new bottle of hot sauce.!

59- that made me laugh. now we know what girl in skimpy shorts was reaching for.

4ugu4 7

ahh, don't even want to think about the pain.

Haha_donkey 0

if you can't handle the heat, get out of hells kitchen

antonman10 0