By Username - 05/11/2010 22:02 - France

Today, I was reading to a child during nap time because she woke up crying. She calmed down right after I began reading, but soon started crying again. I was confused until I felt something warm and wet on my leg. She peed on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 033
You deserved it 3 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're her territory. She will protect you from other little kids who try to pee on you. Barking is completely normal and should be expected from her.


yaysmile 0

Like i always say, its better to be pissed off than to be pissed on but now you know what both is like so that sucks.

yaysmile 0

Like i always say, its better to be pissed off than to be pissed on but now you know what both is like so that sucks.

The same thing happened to me today at the daycare I work at, except I was burping the baby after feeding her, and she had diarrhea, which I soon discovered because it went through her clothes and onto mine. Not only did she poop on me, but she spit up on me as well :(

greggiee 0

Well think about it this coulda been worse!!! :) LOL FYL anyways....

obviously you do not have children and are not around them much. EVERY time they wake up you NEED to make sure either their diaper needs to be changed, or ask if they need to go to the restroom.

funzcpl 0

she marked her territory. u belong to her now.

RESTROOM #104???? Who the **** says restroom? In a mall or restaurant it is a restroom maybe, but if she was reading in a house it is a bathroom. Let's not be formal, we're all friends here :)

#107, WHO CARES?! Restroom, bathroom, toilet - whatever, same thing. Don't nit-pick.

yeah, kinda off topic. I just can't picture someone being that formal with a child (unless of course they are upper class) and I just found it funny that's all. Besides, this FML doesn't warrant much else because it isn't one. It is just normal life that happens all the time, kinda like if I said "I just ate cereal, FML" Doesn't even rate a better comment.

boatkicker 4

I got the impression that Op worked in a daycare or preschool, and generally, I use restroom to apply to any toilet in a public place.