By Username - 05/11/2010 22:02 - France

Today, I was reading to a child during nap time because she woke up crying. She calmed down right after I began reading, but soon started crying again. I was confused until I felt something warm and wet on my leg. She peed on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 033
You deserved it 3 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're her territory. She will protect you from other little kids who try to pee on you. Barking is completely normal and should be expected from her.


oh no!!! a small child peed at an inopoortune moment! that NEVER happens! your life is clearly ****** until your dying day.

I don't think anybody has ever done anything at an inopoortune moment, except for perhaps a bad musician.

great job. maybe try talking to the child before you start reading to it. I recommend reading 'happiest toddler on the block' great book to read since it shows you how to talk to kids properly instead of just distracting them when they are upset.

TempestRain 0

And getting peed on is not a complement! Kids pee when they are upset, scared, hurt, tramatized, or excited. Given the fact the she was bawling I'd rule out excited. FHerL for having to deal with you. Poor child!

shoulda got the mom from the other fml to spank her for you.

arianagrandesfan 0

why are u complaining about this? she's just a little girl I'm not trying to hate or anything so don't take it the wrong way

yaysmile 0

As i always say its better to be pissed off than to be pissed on, but now you know what both is like so that sucks.