By Username - 05/11/2010 22:02 - France

Today, I was reading to a child during nap time because she woke up crying. She calmed down right after I began reading, but soon started crying again. I was confused until I felt something warm and wet on my leg. She peed on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 033
You deserved it 3 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're her territory. She will protect you from other little kids who try to pee on you. Barking is completely normal and should be expected from her.


That's bound to happen sooner or later with kids. Even I have been peed on.

When kids feel safe,they let themselves free, so she felt safe with you :)

yesYDI 0

I'm guessing that's why she started crying again..

Mikababyyyy 0
Draminicaus 0

Just curiosity, but what's with the "I see what you did..." comments? Is that some sort of new age trolling these blasted kids are doing these days or am I just missing something completely? lol