By Anonymous - 28/05/2011 00:56 - United States

Today, I was really psyched to go see Kung Fu Panda 2 at the movies. Excited, I tried to do a flying kick off the cafeteria wall at work. Instead of kicking off, my leg crashed through the plasterboard and got stuck. My co-workers had to pull me free. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 117
You deserved it 53 934

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ThatSucksAlotYDI 0

wow.. I'm 13 and even I'm not that excited to see that movie.


you're old enough to have coworkers but you still wanna watch Kung Fu panda...? O_o

kat815 0

Wow you're old enough to work and you were that excited about a cartoon

HU4L188 0

the funny part is how excited u were to see a child movie.... it does look funny though

wow, I am embraced to share a state with you...

"embraced"? either autocorrect took over, or you graduated Denver Public Schools. I'm hoping the former.

doubleodoggy 0

Did you see the movie anyways?

You need to lighten up, animated movies are usually great for any age, jeez.

wow. all the good people out of work, and they hire you.

I also love Kung Fu Panda and I'm 21, but why would anyone be stupid enough to do that, even when they're excited to see it? Learn to have some self-control, dude.

betterthanu2 0

Unsurprised that a Kung Fu Panda fan did something so stupid. How are you old enough to have a job?