By Anonymous - 28/05/2011 00:56 - United States

Today, I was really psyched to go see Kung Fu Panda 2 at the movies. Excited, I tried to do a flying kick off the cafeteria wall at work. Instead of kicking off, my leg crashed through the plasterboard and got stuck. My co-workers had to pull me free. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 117
You deserved it 53 934

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ThatSucksAlotYDI 0

wow.. I'm 13 and even I'm not that excited to see that movie.


I bet your co-workers got a real KICK out of that one!

TylersMB 0

ahh, i see what you did there.

SouljaBabii 0

I love Kung Fu Panda that was worth it you could get excited right

NastyNinja31 0

I still wana b a super saiyn*

stayawakee 0

Aren't you a little too old for PG movies?

TaylorTotsYumm 10

I didn't see anyone asking that when Toy Story 3 came out.

stayawakee 0

That's different because Toy Story started in 1995, when most of today's adults where still younger and growing up. Kung Fu Panda came out in 2008. No adults grew up to that. So obviously there is no nostalgic attachment adults have to Kung Fu Panda like adults have to Toy Story.

skyeyez9 24

Reminds me of the fml a while back: A guy got so excited that Toy Story 3 was coming out, that he hyperventiated and had to lie down to compose himself.

You guys wouldn't say if to his face. That's the best part.

Of course not. Welcome to the Internet.

anything that starts with "I tried" is a YDI

did your co workers take pictures? omg if they had caught it on video it probably would have gotten more hits than that taser guy from the other FML. lol I wish I could have been there :P