By screwed - 04/01/2010 05:29 - United States

Today, I was rejected for an internship due to 'lack of experience.' I have both an MA and a BA from a highly prestigious school and years of work experience. My would-be superior: a 24 year old without a graduate degree and only one year of work experience. She wore jeans to the interview. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 394
You deserved it 3 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're not telling us the whole story, are you? I'm guessing her year of experience was in the proper field and yours weren't.

Reality_bites 14

I agree with both number 7 and 10. OP, What makes you so special that you think your better than your would be supervisor? Ever considered that maybe SHE applied and completed or currently completing the same internship that you just got rejected from, which would therefore entitle her to hold her current position? And so what if she wore jeans to the interview. Companies can have a casual dress day every week policy you know. If you already think that little of your would be supervisor, why the hell would she want you on her team, seeing as you've pretty much decided that you know more than here and as a result will disrespect her leadership at every turn. Not good for the team dynamics..


You are aware that when a would-be employer says "you lack the experience required" it is a nice way of them saying "someone else was better qualified," right?

CheshireHalli 19

Umm, they didn't say everybody. They said that it's sometimes like that, and they're right. Sometimes a diploma does say "Daddy's rich."

dspadres 0

Having advanced degrees doesn't make you more qualified than someone else who can substitute those degrees for actual experience. Even though companies have training programs or even though this is just an intern thing doesn't mean they actually want to waste time and money training someone.

Just because you have the theoretical knowledge that a BA and MA will give you, does not mean that you are qualified to work in your field. You do state that you have "years of work experience," but was that work in your field, or were you flipping burgers for those years? I can sympathize with you only so far, because you were turned down for an internship, which is supposed to help a person gain experience. But it is possible that there was an applicant who was more qualified and had more field-related experience than you. But based on the way you worded your post, I think that it's more likely that you came across as having a superior attitude to your interviewer, since she is "without a graduate degree," which only served against you. Unless you have more than a year's worth of experience in your field, she is qualified to be your superior, and you have no reason to bitch. *Insert respectful tone here* Please, take your BA and MA, and the theoretical knowledge that came with them, and shove them up your ass.

Gavik 0

STFU stop acting like a woman could ever work outside the kitchen.

Yes, sir... I'll get right back to the kitchen and make your sandwich. Just let me find the arsenic first...

Yes, sir, mister fuckheaded sexist, sir.

Gavik 0

Holy **** you probably bleed all over the floor whenever you go to "work" too. Get it in your head: Don't get out of the house.

Yeah that sucks.... Was she better looking than you? And was the interviewer a seedy old man? If you answered yes, then there's your answer :S

You having a degree doesn't mean you are more qualify than a person with experience in a field. So big whoop you got two piece of paper that you paid for your education and want a job, guess what who has a job and who don't?

baha this is excellent. "two piece of paper that you paid" and "who don't [got a job]." i know who don't got a master's in english language, that's for sure

Malinkrot doesn't know what "or" means.

Liking who you work under day in and day out is just as important as liking the work itself. it seems like you would resent this seemingly inexperienced, unprofessional person as your superior if you had gotten the job, so maybe you're better off for being rejected.

 What if OP is simply hotter than the female who interviewed her and this was less about qualifications, and more about an insecure, jealous female who couldn't see herself having to be around a more beautiful and intelligent lady on a regular basis? /shrug I guess we'd have to have been there to know for sure. Better luck on your next try OP and maybe try putting your hair in a bun, putting on some reading glasses, going without makeup, and wearing some concealing, unsexy clothing or something. :p lol (if your next interviewer is female) FYL ;)