By screwed - 04/01/2010 05:29 - United States

Today, I was rejected for an internship due to 'lack of experience.' I have both an MA and a BA from a highly prestigious school and years of work experience. My would-be superior: a 24 year old without a graduate degree and only one year of work experience. She wore jeans to the interview. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 394
You deserved it 3 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're not telling us the whole story, are you? I'm guessing her year of experience was in the proper field and yours weren't.

Reality_bites 14

I agree with both number 7 and 10. OP, What makes you so special that you think your better than your would be supervisor? Ever considered that maybe SHE applied and completed or currently completing the same internship that you just got rejected from, which would therefore entitle her to hold her current position? And so what if she wore jeans to the interview. Companies can have a casual dress day every week policy you know. If you already think that little of your would be supervisor, why the hell would she want you on her team, seeing as you've pretty much decided that you know more than here and as a result will disrespect her leadership at every turn. Not good for the team dynamics..


And i hate it when people bash others who have degrees.. just because we did not do badly in high school and go straight to work without any post secondary degree like urselves

xx_irish_rose_xx 0

It really sounds like you're not telling the whole story here, I bet your experience was in the wrong field, in which case what do you expect?

Yeah stop shooting for an "internship" and get a JOB, it'll be worth it in the end. And as everyone else has mentioned stop whining that she wore jeans and doesn't have the experience that you do, you have to be marketable not have degrees. The person that got the job either understood this or didn't know proper interviewing skills and went in just hoping and praying to get a job said I'll take 20k less and blam she's in an internship and you arn't.

I'm willing to bet anything she's hotter than you. Sorry, I'm a girl and I know for a fact that I didnt get a job and position because the other girl was prettier than me, even though I was more qualified, and way ******* smarter :( Attractive people always get everything handed to them

piggy94 0

maybe she was super hot and the interviewer was a dude

The MA: the fine line between not enough education and enough education to be employable. I.E. you need either just a BA or a PhD.


Wrong. How you look does influence people's decisions. People who are more attractive have a better chance of scoring jobs because at some level it influences the employer's decision. If you have two women, both with similar qualifications and experience, one being attractive and the other looking like a dog, the attractive one is almost guaranteed to get the job. Its just the way humans function unfortunately. (OP I'm not saying you look like a dog, just speaking hypothetically :P)

ydiallday 0

you may have years of experience in the kitchen but you might just be bad at making food.. go make me a sandwhich and i might give you an internship if you meet my standards