By screwed - 04/01/2010 05:29 - United States

Today, I was rejected for an internship due to 'lack of experience.' I have both an MA and a BA from a highly prestigious school and years of work experience. My would-be superior: a 24 year old without a graduate degree and only one year of work experience. She wore jeans to the interview. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 392
You deserved it 3 667

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're not telling us the whole story, are you? I'm guessing her year of experience was in the proper field and yours weren't.

Reality_bites 14

I agree with both number 7 and 10. OP, What makes you so special that you think your better than your would be supervisor? Ever considered that maybe SHE applied and completed or currently completing the same internship that you just got rejected from, which would therefore entitle her to hold her current position? And so what if she wore jeans to the interview. Companies can have a casual dress day every week policy you know. If you already think that little of your would be supervisor, why the hell would she want you on her team, seeing as you've pretty much decided that you know more than here and as a result will disrespect her leadership at every turn. Not good for the team dynamics..


Maybe they rejected her due to her "sense of entitlement"?

pendulum2012 0

I've noticed it too, there are a LOT of bitter people here who seem to hate anyone who has a college degree. Whenever an FML like this comes, they pounce. It makes sense though, since they are the people that spend all day on this website. In the end, someone with a degree is better than some uneducated person who sits on FML all day trying to think of witty comments. Besides, how can you assume anyones daddy is rich from just an interview?

YDI for pulling the "I went to (insert Ivy League school name here)" bullshit. That screams entitlement. Who cares if you went to a fancy college? Your work experience is weighed more than the name of the college you attended. Maybe the one who the OP felt was underqualified gave a better interview. Maybe the OP came off as a pompous ass during her interview. Or perhaps she committed the sin of being "old". Who knows? But this FML reeks of jealousy.

Lol i was thinking the same thing. If you have all these "qualifications" then why not go out and get a paying job instead of an internship. My understanding is internships are unpaid and meant to give you experience in a certain field. Maybe you were overqualified or she didnt understand why someone who had "years of work experience" would need an intership and gave it to someone more deserving.

MasterConan 0

hey I'm right there with ya. I got a BFA and I drive a van for a livin. overeducation blows. but really, we can't complain since we studied art. I'd totally change it to something more profitable it I could do it again.

YDI for caring what your interviewer wore.

Pendulum, trust me, you can tell the people who think they deserve things because they have always gotten what they wanted in life handed to them. It is definitely the attitude of entitlement. I went to a private high school and got to spend every day with girls like that. One of these girls literally called one of my teachers a nazi and walked out of class because she got a C or a D on a test....because it was so OBVIOUSLY the teacher's fault that the student didn't study hard enough, right? My friend got turned down from her Master's program because she didn't have enough work experience in that FIELD. That combined with her age (a lot of the applicants were older) got her rejected. She didn't try to run around saying it was everyone else's fault that she didn't get in. She accepted that she needed to get more work experience in her area before she applied again. In a lot of jobs, work experience outweighs degrees. If you have one person who has a BA/MA and one year in the field, the person who has none of that and 5 years in the field will probably still get the position. Also, OP shows that they feel "entitled" by judging the interviewer. The OP has no way of knowing whether or not another applicant was better qualified for the internship just because her "would-be-superior" wore jeans. Also, who knows what field the OP is trying to get into? My bf works in Graphic design, and pretty much every company he has worked for allows him to wear jeans. His boss was probably wearing jeans the day she interviewed him, even though he was wearing a suit. The girl who interviewed the OP did not have to "dress to impress." She already has her position, and if she gets to supervise an intern, I doubt she's that high up the food chain in that company. The OP just has a holier than thou attitude. In an economy where people can't get jobs anywhere applicants should be fighting for, not feeling entitled to, jobs.

So what if she wore jeans? If her company is okay with that, why should you care? I'm guessing from this that you were more formally dressed, and I should warn you. I've had a lot of exposure to hiring practices and time and time again I've seen people show up overdressed for interviews (such as wearing a suit). Each time the interviewers noticed, took it as a sign of desperation and stuffiness, and moved on to other candidates.

sportsnut 0

you have a BA...BFD, if you have it in accounting and a masters in finance...well no shit the 24 year old with an econ degree from chicago is going to whoop your ass all day long