By screwed - 04/01/2010 05:29 - United States

Today, I was rejected for an internship due to 'lack of experience.' I have both an MA and a BA from a highly prestigious school and years of work experience. My would-be superior: a 24 year old without a graduate degree and only one year of work experience. She wore jeans to the interview. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 394
You deserved it 3 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're not telling us the whole story, are you? I'm guessing her year of experience was in the proper field and yours weren't.

Reality_bites 14

I agree with both number 7 and 10. OP, What makes you so special that you think your better than your would be supervisor? Ever considered that maybe SHE applied and completed or currently completing the same internship that you just got rejected from, which would therefore entitle her to hold her current position? And so what if she wore jeans to the interview. Companies can have a casual dress day every week policy you know. If you already think that little of your would be supervisor, why the hell would she want you on her team, seeing as you've pretty much decided that you know more than here and as a result will disrespect her leadership at every turn. Not good for the team dynamics..


jennifermm1986 0

it doesn't mean you aren't better than her, maybe she's more suitable for the job

DavidMcgrady1216 0

Honestly... you sound like a serious bitch talking about all that "prestigious school" bullshit on a website like this. I mean, seriously who are you trying to impress ? Maybe next time don't be such a snobby asshole and you'll get the job...

guess those degrees are really helping you if you are applying for an internship? with those degrees and years of experience why don't you try getting a paying job? YDI

tirednhungry 0

have you ever thought that they have to pay someone with a MA more than someone with a BA and that person gets paid more than a GED and someone with nothing doesn't have to be paid - go get a real job

xxjinxykinsxx 0

i have a feeling the other girl is my brother's girlfriend lmao. you're over qualified.

CinnamonGrl 0

If you're so educated and have so many years of experience, why are you applying for an INTERNSHIP?

nachosupremo1 0

i like ramen lol dont care wat u guys r talking about!

skrump 0

that's why u said an MA not proper english