By Anonymous - 25/01/2011 21:15 - United States

Today, I was released from jail. I had helped a three year old girl get up after falling on a wet floor at the mall last night when the security guards tasered me. Only this morning did they tell me they had mistaken me for a child molester that looks a little bit like me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 113
You deserved it 3 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EngineerJane 0

That's today society for you. All males are rapist and all females are goddesses.


According to the US Supreme court, if you are being unlawfully arrested, you are legally allowed to resist arrest to the point of taking the officers life. It is treated like kidnapping, you are legally allowed to defend your freedom if you are innocent. Sue!

aww_man2010 6

That sucks, sorry to hear that, I want to be a police officer so that I can help out innocent people that get treated like that for no reason, that sort of action was completely unnecessary, I personally don't think that you should sue but I would also understand if you did. Also I think that you should bring this situation to someone of a higher power so that the cops that kept you in jail for that long and whoever it was that tased you can be punished.

This is so typical for a totally hysterical society that's being constantly kept in a state of panic by the media...

This is why you NEVER touch a stranger's child. Better to walk away.


ohmek 0

Tasers are the new fad. They didn't wanna feel left out.

This FML goes well with the one about a boy writing "**** THE COPS" on the back of the school wall. That should be your new motto.