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By poorgirl - 17/05/2016 13:03 - United States

Today, I was reminded what poverty is like when I had to choose between buying food and buying pads. Now, I have to take constant bathroom breaks and wipe off my pad. I don't get paid until after my period ends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 347
You deserved it 1 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Invest in a menstrual cup. The cups are reusable and pay for themselves over just a few months.

You could always use toilet tissue as a pad or a cloth. Not the best option, but better than not eating


You could always use toilet tissue as a pad or a cloth. Not the best option, but better than not eating

OP, folding up paper towel twice is actually really effective. I've done it before and actually lasts quite long

Idk why OP isn't doing this. I've never wiped my pad off Lol

Well, i did try that once when i had mine unexpectedly start, and it really depends how heavy you are as mine leaked through it in about 20 seconds!!

if your flow is that heavy, wiping off your pad isn't going to help either, as it would be totally saturated.

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Not everyone has the money to be stocked up.

MallowMistress 13

I only stock up, because I buy a normal sized pack, and my periods skip. Otherwise I'd be close to the same boat as OP. I only remember to buy them when my period starts and I use my emergency one in my bag.

Food and water should be free too, but that's not how an economy works

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No, they should not. Before you think its because its only for women, therefore society not caring about this issue like the past couple of people, I do hope you realize water, something that is essential for all life is not free. Sure its limited, but pads and such also use our resources.

Exactly! I feel like when you're having an emergency, you should get some for free!

I have feelings about this issue. Because what happens when women get ther period and don't use pads or tampons? There is a term called free bleeding where women just openly bleed on stuff. That's a biohazard. What if they have HIV? You can't exactly force a woman to use sanitary products and while it may be very strange and outside of the social norm it's always an option. Would save us money too. So before you go on and say they shouldn't be free just remember they benifit everyone and not just the user.

#104 I completely agree that there is a necessity in using tampons and pads if one so chooses. However, your argument that someone could get HIV from someone free bleeding is completely irrelevant and wrong. 1. You cannot get HIV from just touching the blood of someone who has been infected. It literally has to enter your blood stream via some form of opening. 2. Most people look before they sit/touch something. Are you going to sit on/touch something that clearly looks like it has blood on it? Probably not. 3. Free bleeding doesn't mean you just 'bleed everywhere'... it actually just means you use different products instead of harmful shit that can poison your body (like shoving processed material up your ****** to ease the sensibilities of the masses). There are plenty of items out there that prevent the blood coming out from even getting past your clothes, let alone getting blood on everything.

Sir_Cow 17

No. It's a standard hygiene product and with that logic a lot of things should be free.

I've heard it's not too hard to find free condoms though.

It shouldn't necessarily be free, but it should be much cheaper. You can water basically for free because it's so cheap, and you can get condoms for free. Some stuff is free. Although if OP is that broke, she should be going to a food bank instead of buying food.

Might sound naive, but I didn't know people didn't stock up on these things before their supplies run out. Doesn't have to be like a massive crazy-couponer or doomsday-prepper stash- just one extra box of pads/tampons/liners will do. Sure, supplies can be pricey, and periods can be random, but I've never known one box to ever be the EXACT amount needed. I always saved the extras and bought more before they were used up- even budgeted for them in case and while I was unemployed. I've long since invested in a cup and reusable pads, but my stash is still scattered among my bathroom, purse, backpack, etc on hand to use for next time or to give to some other poor girl in need.

ABlindMan 17

165- condoms are a form of birth control and they prevent they help prevent the spread of STD's. Tampons and pads are simply alternatives to prevent period leakage. Technically you can do without tampons and pads. I'm not saying free pads and tampons would be a bad idea, in fact it'd be a great idea, but as of right now they aren't doing that.

what, and you can't do without boning someone for a while? when did having sex become a necessity?

yenze 18

You could do food boxes if they are available to you. find some change and stock up on some raman noodles they are like 25 cents each

Invest in a menstrual cup. The cups are reusable and pay for themselves over just a few months.

SilverInGray 25

If you're choosing between food and pads, I doubt you'd have the money to invest in anything. It's more expensive to be poor than well off.

It's 3 dollars on Amazon not really an investment

for women who want to use pads there is "momma cloth" similar to a cloth diaper, it can be washed and reused, and it snaps around your underwear

Or she doesn't know, which was my case. And the cup requires getting used to and some training which fixes most of the comfort/pain issues.

Menstrual cup should not be uncomfortable, if it is they're not using them right, there are also reusable pads.

#63, yes they are all that they are cracked up to be, and a lot of people just don't know about them. I've been using mine for over 10 years now and it cost me 17 Euros (less than 20$). Oh, and my severe cramps totally vanished, so between tampons and pain meds, the costs were even after two months. I realize that if you have problems with the thought of inserting something into your ******, it's probably not for you. But then there are still cloth pads. If you are really tight on money, you can even make them yourself from old towels, sheets and cotton clothes.

If they are a pain in the arse, your putting it in the wrong hole #63... =P

MikaykayUnicorn 36

My menstrual cup is literally the best thing that's ever happened to me. I forget I'm wearing it and I don't have the risk of TSS and I also don't smell like congealed blood. And mine was 30 dollars (yeah, steep price but I would rather have a quality product than a cheap, poorly made one) and it's already paid itself off (I have to buy a box of pads/tampons a month and I've had mine for 5 months, you do the math) and they hold a lot more than a pad/tampon. Overall, if the idea of putting a tampon in doesn't scare you, you likely won't have a problem with a cup.

Not everyone can use cups. There are reusable pads but the upfront cost is pretty high on those.

There are also sponges (reusable and disposable) and period panties that absorb blood that you bleed on.

#108 - using the cup as opposed to tampons does not remove your risk of TSS, it just reduces it. Although rare, anyone can get TSS including men.

Why should people stop recommending them? A lot of people obviously think that they ARE what they're cracked up to be, hence why they recommend them. You don't have to use them but that doesn't mean people who like them can't recommend them

I found cups to be uncomfortable to use - not because they felt uncomfortable, but because I don't like having to dig about for them and taking them out is messy as hell. You also can't really empty them in public unless there's a sink next to the toilet, you have to reserve a metal container to boil them in after a period, and overall I found them super impractical. I stick to my reusable pads, where you can change easily wherever you are and just chuck them in the washing machine when they've been used. Of course, this is irrelevant to the OP as she doesn't have the £30-60 to invest in any reusable menstrual products right now.

foxesntea 22

Not everyone can use a cup, I mean if you don't even use tampons why would you use a cup?

Honestly, a menstrual cup was one of my best investments ever! I used to have horrendous cramping which even medication couldn't touch and now those are gone. It's so nice not having to spend all that money on pads/tampons monthly.

i will send you 5 dollars, this is horrible :l

I went on the shot (no more period) and have a whole box of unused tampons. I can send them to you OP!

I have the birth control that's goes in my arm and I have no more periods and have a box of tamps I can send to OP as well!(:

94, i got the implant too but i was the opposite and got a non stop period so had to go on the pill to control it- you are one of the lucky ones

cheshireau 26

No woman should have to live like that. We don't have the choice of menstruating. I'd send you some cash and a few months supply of pads and tampons. I always try and take advantage of the buy 2 get the 3rd free so I have plenty. Sorry OP :(

Wind toilet paper around your underwear as a make shift pad, it's not ideal but I hope it helps. :(

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Yeah cause toxic shock syndrome and infections and the smell are really fun

It wouldn't cause TSS if you were using them like pads. I seriously don't know why they got so many downvotes. People still do use cloths that they clean/sanitize and reuse. It saves money and would reduce all of the plastic waste pads and tampons create.

Don't be ashamed to go to a food pantry or the like. They often carry toiletries too.

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Yeah! Life is just a learning experience, right? Who needs food anyways? It's not like you need it to survive or anything... You know what they say- the key to happiness is starvation!

I don't know why this is getting so many thumbs down. She is in a rough patch in her life but will come out stronger because of it.

Or she could, y'know, ******* die. Or get sexually assaulted. Anyone who escapes poverty in this hellhole of a country has some sort of luck and opportunity and most don't get that, so **** off outta here.

I wouldn't say poverty is "the best thing you'll ever experience" but, as someone who used to be very poor, I will say that it is a valuable learning experience that fosters tremendous character development. I've said before I think everyone should experience poverty at some point in their lives for at least a little while. It makes you appreciate the things you have that many people take for granted, such as being able to buy food without worrying if your debit card will decline, or just having a place to sit down. It really puts things into perspective and allows you to be content. It also develops empathy for those less fortunate. I'd say that OP and others in poverty need to swallow their pride and ask for help. There's no shame in asking someone to borrow twenty dollars or so until payday, so long as you make good on your loan and pay it back. You'll be amazed at how kind and generous people can be when you give them the chance.

I agree. I see people who come from rich backgrounds and a lot of them are snobby people who take more than they give. Because they never had to ask for anyone's help, and they haven't experienced needing something they couldn't get, they've lost touch with generosity and humility. As a result of this, they hold themselves higher than those in need, and begin to even look down upon them. This only drives the divide between them further because they would then view giving them some help as stooping to their level. There are very important lessons in being impoverished. People who have everything hardly ever have true happiness. Only temporary enjoyment while their minds are occupied, and thinking that is happiness. People in poverty know what truly matters. But this is not to say that poverty is fun, or easy, or something everyone should do. It is a painful, melancholic droll. And that's what's so special about it.