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By Anonymous - 25/09/2013 10:37 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I realised I sweat so much that I won't be able to go without sticking super pads with wings to my shirt underarms everyday. It makes supermarket trips interesting. Especially as a man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 257
You deserved it 3 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, it's alright. They probably think you're getting it for a girlfriend or wife anyways.


Hey, it's alright. They probably think you're getting it for a girlfriend or wife anyways.

Anyb0dyTh 8

Embarrassed to buy feminine products? Lol. Who cares. Just wear a long sleeve shirt :D I agree with #5 You don't want to poison your lymph with aluminum. Baking soda is a much better choice. It's detoxifying as well.

Even if it was a long sleeve shirt, you would still see the sweat stains. (If its as bad as he says, the stains would be really bad)

Spider_Web 11

Wouldn't a long sleeve shirt be worse?

Get Botox? Can claim it under Medicare now :-)

oj101 33

OP can have Botox injected into his armpits that would stop the sweating.

no, he probably just lives in darwin. i feel his pain!

It's called hyperhydrosis. There's a special prescription deodorant he can get from a doctor to put on at night, or if it's really serious, they can consider surgically removing the glands under the arms...

I agree. It may be something that needs to be looked into. Good luck

i have hyperhydrosis as well. the deoderants dont help diddlysquat. i just have to deal with it because i dont want surgery. :(

skyttlz 32

I have it too. The prescription deodorant only lasts a week or so.

mookiemookie01 24

Why don't you want surgery? I got it and it's fantastic. It is a little harder to shave your armpits and no one can tickle you there, but it was worth it. I went from changing my double tshirt twice a day at the very least and having the armpits stiff with deodorant to just being normal. I don't regret it at all.

My life is already a little more complicated from having spinal surgery where I can't do this, blah blah blah, so I don't want to have another surgery where I get another list of "can't do's". Plus, it's not just my armpits. My hands sweat so much that I can't use paper anymore to write because it gets really damp under my hands, and I slip against tile or wood because my feet sweat too much :( so it's a lot of places affected (ironically, I don't sweat in "normal" places. I don't sweat when I'm hot or when I exercise).

Just show everyone your wings. You might be able to fly or at the least seem angelic. Women like angels. :)

I think that is a treatable thing op but don't worry people in the store probably don't think it's for you.

castleofg1ass 19

They actually sell deodorant made for that kind of stuff but it contains aluminum. You can also get prescribed deodorants :)

Yeah! You don't remember those commercials with the hydrant-like streams of perspiration? That deoderant should do the trick.

No store-bought deodorant will do the trick. The ones prescribed will actually sting/itch until you get used to them. And it works best to put them on at night and cover them with ceran wrap. I had hyperthyroidism as a teenager, which made me sweat more. I know that a lot of people have been trying to steer away from aluminum deodorants because of cancer links, but anyone actually in that situation knows what a terrible quality of life it is to sweat too much, and can make that decision for themselves.

Had this problem myself. Never mind prescription deodorant, try Mitchum first, it works great for heavy sweating and you can get it from most supermarkets. It even has an unscented variety so no one will even know you have it on.

ninety 25

Mitchum actually does work very well and it's my deo of choice even though I don't have a sweating problem... I like the baby powder smell lol. I don't think it will be enough for OP, though, since he's already to the point of sticking pads to his shirt.

95 - Mitchum does not work for everyone. It does get worse than you can imagine for some people.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

You should tell your doctor. Maybe they can help.

Just say that you're a superhero from another dimension.

They work for nosebleeds so I don't see why not. You have a little medical problem you want to share with us, Noor?

I'm not sure, but I do believe they make a product just for that problem.

Anyone who sweats more than the average person knows most, if not all, store bought anti-perspirants are worth shit.

I was not referring to antiperspirants, I was referring to something similar to maxipads for the under arm.