By whitefox123 - 20/09/2010 00:07 - United States

Today, I was riding in the backseat while my mom was driving. Noticing she was driving way over the speed limit, I opened a police siren app on my iPod to make her slow down. When she realized, she pulled over, kicked me out of the car and made me walk home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 532
You deserved it 45 556

Same thing different taste

Top comments

green_eyes124 0

haha that app is annoying. my brother gets me all the time : )



FYL u might hav saved both of your lives or kept your mom from gettina $300 ticket bit also what you did was very dangours and u could hav caused a accident?

RedPillSucks 31

Shame on you for "riding" your mom from the "back seat"

This seems to be the only legitimate 'YDI' comment.

reddwarf_fml 0

lmao. ur just lucky she didn't toss ur rear outta the house

Yank, are you leaving off the "e" at the end of "have" on purpose? I hav to believe you ar sinc you did it twic. Maybe you ar trying to chang the languag by leaving off the silent "e" sinc you find it unnecessary. You, sir, ar a trailblazer!

underyourbreath 8

Because passive-aggressive behavior always gets you what you want.. One day karma will bless you with your own little twit of a child.

greatnt249 0

Based on the fact that Mom actually kicked OP out of the car, I'd say neither of them are terribly "with-it" when it comes to communication.

Clever, OP! Your mother needs a sense of humour. She should be grateful the siren wasn't coming from a real cop car...

I guess everyone saying YDI will be having a nice little car accident from speeding someday.

CheshireHalli 19

People aren't saying YDI because they like speeding, but because the twit was passive aggressive instead of saying "Mom, you're going too fast."

No, I'm pretty sure that's why they're saying YDI.

At least you're safe, right? Good job backseat driver.

LuckBeaLady 5

YDI. It never says she was driving recklessly, just fast. Sit back and shut up or learn to like walking.

ItsAlexFool 0

Speeding IS driving recklessly, you dip.

greatnt249 0

#81, how exactly did you get your license?