By Knaxer - 12/12/2015 17:22 - United States - Silver Spring

Today, I was riding my motorcycle when a guy cut me off at a light. I honked and swore at him when a bug flew into my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 991
You deserved it 6 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Coland 19

Normally that won't happen if you are wearing a helmet. Just saying

Kallian_fml 21

Helmets aren't air tight. Things blow in there pretty easy.

YDI, because you should have been wearing a helmet, but it sucks that you got cut off.

This is an assumption I've seen a couple times now. No where in the FML does it say OP wasn't wearing one. There are motorcycle helmets that have an open face and just cover the forehead and the back of the head, and/or have glass/goggles that only cover the eyes. There are also ones where you can flip up the plastic protection over the face so you don't have to remove the whole helmet. Anyway, the OP could have been wearing a helmet and this event is still perfectly possible.

The bug really sucks, but being cut off is something terrible about motorcycles too, it's something I hate and fear about them the most, especially since my dad drives one. Some other people in cars just don't understand how dangerous it is to cut off or ride close to them. Motorcycles don't have the protection like a car, accidents with them end bad. I mean, if either of those moves goes bad it'll end up probably killing or severally injuring the motorcyclists. It's best to keep extra distance and be mindful of them when they're around.

On the other hand many or the motorcyclist I see on the road are driving recklessly too. They weave through traffic, merge into lanes where there is barely enough room, drive way other the speed limit, don't watch for cars, run redlights and stop signs, and don't wear proper protection. Yes it is a car driver's responsibility to watch for other vehicles, but it should be doubly important for the person who has absolutely no protection to watch what other vehicles are doing and obey the traffic laws. The point Im making is that not all accidents are caused by car drivers and blaming them just because you don't want to admit the reality that driving a motorcycle is insanely risky and stupid is wrong.

Everyone drives like an idiot anymore. We all need to slow down and give a crap about others.

I want to make a bad joke about karma and eating bugs, but I feel it would only be in bad taste

You have no idea how lucky you are, I was cut off four weeks ago as of yesterday. I'm stuck at home with three vertebral compression fractures and my knee was torn apart on the inside as it crushed my gas tank from the sheer force. Count your blessings.

Kallian_fml 21

I managed to get a broken foot pedal stuck in my hip when a car ran into me. Not sure how it happened but it made for a pretty cool x-ray. Hope you recover soon.

I know out here in Arizona we have a lot of rode rage and half the time it to do with people cutting motocyle off..

SilentSin 23

So I'm guessing you weren't wearing a helmet?

I ride with a full-face helmet for that exact reason