By Anonymous - 26/11/2009 05:15 - Canada

Today, I was riding on my usual bus, when I noticed a man staring at me. I was having a really bad day, and said "Can you please stop staring at me?" He then replied with "I'm just trying to look out the window, and your head is in the way. Don't flatter yourself." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 340
You deserved it 46 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why is that bad? Cant you accept that not every man who sees you isnt instantly actracted to you?

Call me sick minded, but I swear this said, "I was riding the usual man...". o.o


erowlyn 0

hey you're pic is hot you are probably good looking chap

alex_vik 0

Oh great, another "Today, I thought everything was about me and realized it wasn't" FML.

Have you people ever actually ridden a bus? It's pretty damn boring, and it's usually crowded. Looking at the window or goofing around with your cell phone or a book or something are pretty much your only options if you're by yourself. It's naive to assume that the guy is sitting right next to his own window and is instead staring at her. The guy could have been standing, or sitting with his back to the windows, or something like that where if he wanted to enjoy the scenery, he would have to end up looking at someone's window. Buses are not really a fun place to be. Especially on a crowded bus, it's not a good idea to take everything other passengers do personally. Everyone is so close together, but in their own world. Lots of people just space out or look at the windows or something like that to pass the time. Everyone is a little uncomfortable, and a little closer packed than they would like to be. Most of us just deal with it, since it's only usually for like 20 minutes or so. It's a little concieted to assume that on a crowded bus, everyone who looks in your direction is checking you out, and everyone who sits or stands near you just wants to feel you up. They're just doing their best to completely ignore you, despite being uncomfortably close to you.

Exactly. When I'm sitting people are usually standing beside me staring out my window, I feel like I'm being watched but I never say anything because I do the same thing sometimes. The OP over reacted.

I know you don't want to sound it but you come off as sounding really conceited

Sorry, bad sentence structure: I know you don't want to but you come off sounding really conceited.

This is exactly why women should not be allowed to leave their man's house. They will turn every single thing into some kind of sexual harassment. Why did you think he was looking at you? Were you half naked; a bare mid-riff, with your bra straps showing? Not that it matters, cause you probly could see your entire bra through the thin fabric. A short skirt barely covering your panties? Say what you want about muslims, covering you stupid self-centered ****** up is the one thing they did right.

#65 is a f**king idiot no one said how she was dressed, going on about muslims covering up their women what a load of shit it should be a womans choice to dress how she wants to dress . And YDI to OP for presuming he was staring at you, that's pretty silly.

Your an idiot, oh and sexist. Learn some morals, pig. But yeah YDI, maybe a bit self-centred.

I can't tell what depressed the you more, the fact that the guy said "Don't flatter yourself", indicating that he didn't find you attractive, or the fact that it turned out he wasn't staring at you to begin with. Don't ever have kids, you shallow bitch.