By atleastmybreathisfresh - 28/02/2010 05:19 - United States

Today, I was running late for work and realized I forgot to pay a bill. I turned on my computer to pay the bill and brushed my teeth while it set up. I had a mouth full of mouthwash and decided to pay the bill before I spit. Then, I sneezed mouthwash all over my laptop keyboard and screen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 437
You deserved it 28 778

keighty tells us more.

keighty 0

This is my post. I agree with most of you. Total dumbass thing. I admit it. It didn't ruin my computer, just made my keys sticky for awhile and there are permanent smear marks on my screen. I did turn my head, ended up sneezing into my arm but it splashed down onto my computer. There just wasn't enough space to explain it. I decided to pay it before i spit cause i was trying to save time and only had to press a couple of buttons. Made sense at the time. Seemed like a waste to just stand there for 30 seconds and do nothing. Lesson learned. I had to pay it before I left for work because it was due that day by 3 and by the time i got home it would have been too late. Carry on the mocking :)

Top comments

In all honesty, the risks were pretty clear, but at the same time, you gotta do what you gotta do to be on time, and I think a lot of us have been in that position. I'll say FYL. Also, I like the nickname that you used for this. I can't help but love when the nickname works with the FML story.

Are you sure the smears are permanent? Can't you use a cleaner?


blitzen123 0

YDI for practicing good oral hygene!

Morale of the story ladies, ALWAYS SWALLOW!


hahaha! the same thing happened to me! except I was getting ready for school and I swallowed it :( lol

Crncj 0

now you need to get a new laptop, and you need to pay that bill

littlexlune 16

Yes, but did you pay the bill?