By km0064 - 28/02/2010 05:00 - United States

Today, my hamster went missing. I walked down the stairs into my basement, to find my hamster's head on the stairs, and its body in my cat's mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 342
You deserved it 4 299

km0064 tells us more.

km0064 0

Okay, so I'm the 1 who wrote this FML, and i would just like to inform everyone that 1.) yes, i do own a dog..3 actually, so i can complete the food chain. 2.) this is not cat decapatates animals and leaves the body parts laying around outside, 3.) I have more hamsters :) and 4.) The hamster that was killed was previously being attacked by my other hamsters, so i had to seperate him from the rest and put him in a bucket until we got a new cage. so he was in the bathroom, in a bucket with the door closed. then some dumb ass kid opened the door and took out the hamster and it got away.

Top comments

Hey it's not the cats' fault. It's like if you owned a lion and a gazelle and then were all surprised when the lion attacked and ate the gazelle.


Sounds like he needs to learn some pussie control.

redshortsx 0

that's more disgusting than sad

Get a dog and it will eat the cat. Food chain complete.

SeasonedSausage 0

@43 Then the human eats the dog?

asianwolf 2

how so you suppose the car got in?

asianwolf 2

how do you suppose the cat got in?

What are you talking about it was the OP's cat.

get the dog dog eat cat marry me i eat the dog then i'll buy you another hamster done LOL

skillz3333 4

in soviet Russia, hamsters eat cats!

Animal_Luvr 0

dogs don't eat cats! cats eat dogs, and then shit them out like diarreah

susieKiute 0

that poor hamster!! :( you murderer!!

DanceGirl01 0

oh my god!!!! the poor hamster!! I guess now you know that ou shouldn't have a hamster AND a cat at the same time. again sorry for your loss! :(

I don't know why people disliked this she/he is a murderer. She obviously left the hamster out of its cage somewhere where the cat could get to it because if she had left the hamster in its cage the cat wouldn't have been able to get to it because cats can't open cages. So obviously murderer.

bebz_fml 0

Wow, stupid. You can't blame the cat it was just following its instincts. Blame the owner he/she is the one that left the hamster somewhere where the cat could get to it.

Hey it's not the cats' fault. It's like if you owned a lion and a gazelle and then were all surprised when the lion attacked and ate the gazelle.

Very true! Cats and hamsters don't really go together...

GodBarack 5

Yum! Hamster... For cats, anyway.

aww. see this happened to my cousin. we all go outside and poor little bunnies head was on one side of the yard and the body on the other side, with the dog standing over it. then later that day, the dog dug up the head and carried it around. it was at a really big family gathering so everyone saw. ewwwwww.............. but sad still.

Buchitoo 4

yeah the same happened to me. I just got there a little too early and the doq was still eatinq from my bunny's neck. when the doq saw me he ran I went to see the bunny and picked it up from the ear. it's head was still attached from his body only with a little bit of skin. you could see it's guts cominq out from his neck.

AznWaffle8 0

Ughhhhghghgh... I heard my friend's cat's face was half off b/c of some disease, but I'm not sure if that's worse that guts coming out of a hampster's almost-severed neck...

ladida94 0

yes yes it is very neccessary to share u all's headless bunny fates on this supposedly humourous site

GeorgeBoosh 0

Something similar happened with my cousin's pitbull and their 2 year old daughter. Not a good day. She kept digging up the dog's head each day

Uhm to much detail about the comment about the bunny guts. Weird.