By McKenna - 16/07/2011 04:10 - United States

By McKenna - 16/07/2011 04:10 - United States
By come on man - 29/11/2014 17:03 - United States - Sunnyvale
By Anonymous - 05/02/2020 05:00 - Australia - Melbourne
By giantcuntflaps - 13/12/2014 16:03 - Australia
By Anonymous - 14/03/2014 04:06 - Canada - London
By picturemenakedbaby - 21/07/2009 10:42 - United States
By lonelyandbored - 31/05/2010 00:19 - United States
By Oops54321 - 28/09/2009 07:12 - France
By Anonymous - 08/08/2014 21:05 - Israel
By DreeStahr - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Liberty
By fed up/turned off - 02/10/2013 05:47 - United States - Fresno
I think he's gay just saying
Dump him
YDI for sending dirty texts.
he is either gay and hasn't realized it yet, or your dating the dumbest guy ever.
maybe she was talking about how she wanted him to chain her to the bed.... I'd say ew stop to that too...
you can send me dirty text. nothing is too naughty for me.
Maybe his definiton of dirty varies from hers? Maybe it freaked him out that you were acting like Quagmire from Family Guy rather than Lois? Maybe he wasn't in the mood
Honey, if you need to turn him on a day in advance to get him to want to have sex with you, you're doing something wrong.
Either you are trying to hard or he has moved on and isn't interested... try to figure out the real reason and good luck!