By wtf is wrong with my country - 08/05/2012 17:57 - United States

Today, I was shopping at Walmart, when I saw a really good deal on some bacon. Before I could take any, a huge-ass woman stormed over, kicked my cart down the aisle, and snatched every single packet for herself. And I actually got upset over this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 257
You deserved it 3 624

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheFamilyElf 17

You have every right to be upset! Bacon ain't a joke! Bacon is serious!


b_rad_fml 4

I woulda dumped her purse on the floor then told her to enjoy the bacon. f her life

Wildhunter16 3

is it possible to be "piggy" about something?

BunBunBabe 8

I would be pissed too! Just because she's fat doesn't mean she deserves them all. Once a lady did something eerily similar to me over a sale of king size candy bars

jaredofmo 22

Perhaps it was the same woman. She must be stopped, for she is a menace to all those who want to save money on fatty foods.

smb12346 17

Reach into her cart and take your share

jaredofmo 22

Um... This lady musta been huge, so OP is just lucky the woman didn't eat him.

I'd be upset to... You should have kicked her fat ass down the aisle and stole her cart along with all the bacon

sarah56195 0

I woulda been like "here, piggy piggy. "

I'd be pretty pissed off that 1) she stole my bacon and 2) that she shoved me over. There's legit reasons why you should be upset.

GreysonPiercee 0

The most amazing things happen at Wally World.

perdix 29

What's wrong with you? Are you a queer? Fight back! ;)

You have every right to be upset IT'S BACON - the food of the gods - the one single thing on earth that makes everything taste better. You should have blindsided her fat ass, grabbed the bacon and laughed maniacally as you sprinted away, watching her huff and puff trying to keep up. Two or three laps around the store and you would have made a clean escape as she lay gasping for breath in aisle number 3. Or you could have simply called her a fat, rude bitch and then gone and found the manager whom I am sure had more bacon in the back. But scenario number one is infinitely more amusing!