By mal - 08/05/2012 20:46 - United Kingdom - Chelmsford

By mal - 08/05/2012 20:46 - United Kingdom - Chelmsford
By iris - 18/05/2012 23:01 - Portugal - Lisbon
By not picking up - 20/03/2015 17:50 - Slovenia - Zelimlje
By policeopenup - 11/07/2009 19:38 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/03/2011 16:21 - United States
By unbelievable208 - 05/08/2009 05:28 - United States
By Anonymous - 22/03/2009 13:04 - Malta
By Anonymous - 24/12/2012 18:02 - United Kingdom - Saint Neots
By Anonymous - 10/04/2024 14:00 - United States
By Sonofa - 17/05/2013 15:52 - Canada - Cold Lake
By innocent - 06/01/2014 21:32 - Australia
Harsh...but come on, how much did you pay?
Oh boy, let the comments with random prices begin.
Let's start the bidding at £40...
My only question isn't how much, but did they like have the window open or was she just screaming like a banshee? At least in the houses I've been in, the livingroom is connected to the door or entryway.
Old Greg why are you on here
I would have told him to either join in or piss off!
what's wrong with that? the family that plays together, stays together
But what about the boat times? That wasn't a time it was more of an exposure, wasn't it, really?
my name is greg...
Seriously, how much?
He paid her in Chuck-E-Cheese Tokens.
23, the first three comments were submitted pretty much at the same time. So her comment was original, just missed out by a millisecond or so.
In fairness, this appeared at the exact same time as my comment...great minds think alike apparently...or fools seldom differ. Whatever floats your boat...
You fools have great minds. What happens if nothing floats my boat?
Then you're gonna start sinking, my friend
Made my day, thank you kind sir.
He gave her chocolate, then they started playing ps. Guys you know what I mean ;)
Pokemon silver?
Well it seems like someone needs to learn how to use a lock on a door
Good point, someone needs to learn to have sex in their locked bedroom Btw awesome profile pic
at least he has a sense of humor. he was your age once, so he understands!
exactly. A good sense of humor.
#34 more "shit how much did he use this time?"
You could say "more than what you paid to get yours". No wait, that would be saying shit about your mom..
Maybe not
21 actually it would... just saying
Just don't pull a "Secret Service" on her and you should be fine. :)
I love parents with a sense of humour.
While you should be glad your dad has a sense of humor, his comment was a little rude towards your girlfriend :/
Either way he's calling her a prostitute. I wouldn't like it.
14 your profile pic is awesome.
Harsh...but come on, how much did you pay?
Ahhhh dear old dad. Always love to make a mockery of his sons sex life.