By ohcrap - 02/06/2011 10:05 - United States

Today, I was shopping for clothes. I thought this guy was a mannequin because he was standing perfectly still. I poked him and he screamed like a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 253
You deserved it 36 403

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you would normally feel the need to poke random manakins...


just_a_dude_ 0

Who pokes a mannequin? Do you always poke things you can't understand?

hahahahahaha I can totally picture it!!!

SapphireSympathy 7

Haha I love going into a store with me and my friends and posing like the mannequins do in the front window and taking pictures ^.^ But of course... I always scream when I get poked.

konvikx101 1

Hey isn't that one of the ways to get kicked out of Walmart? Stand perfectly still and wait till someone passes then say "I'm glad my shift is over?"

A)Why would you poke a mannequin? B) Why would he scream if all you did was poke him? Did he have the last pair of pants you wanted in the size you needed, so you just ripped them off?

4Lonely2Stoner0 0

This actually made me laugh