By agstadra - 08/12/2010 15:24 - Canada

Today, I was sitting in a parked car. A woman was having difficulties maneuvering out. She honked the horn repeatedly for me to move, then looked me in the eye and called me a "f**king bitch", before driving off. I was in the passenger seat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 994
You deserved it 3 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could always throw the glovebox open and reach in. Seems to scare people when I do it :)

Should have looked her in the eyes and fapped, that would have shown her.


She managed to get out just fine, so who cares? Now forgetting about it in 3...2...1...

skyeyez9 24

the christmas season brings out the worst in people.

You should have smiled, waved, and wished her a Merry Christmas. It would have taken her off guard, and then she would crash her car.

not_a_jew_21 0

yeah FYL for some person who you're never gonna see again to call you a bitch. YDI bitch.

sourgirl101 28

Next time, make sure your driver parks correctly before leaving you to fend for yourself. I hate people that block traffic

beachlova910 0

how is this an what you got screamed at a cranky lady that is probs on her monthly present...get over yourself

Some people are so ignorant lol I would have went into a rage against her, but thats just my opinionated hot tempered self...