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Unwarranted bitchiness

By lois2lane - 23/12/2009 07:15 - United States

Today, a car was tailgating and honking at me while trying to pass me, so I decided to be a bitch back and go extremely slow. We got to a two lane road and the car passed me up. The man in the front seat flipped me off while pointing to his wife in the back seat who was clearly in labor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 019
You deserved it 68 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kelkat09 0

that's your fault. you should never do that anyways.

Disagreed. How the hell was the OP supposed to know there was a woman giving LABOR in the backseat? Honestly, would you have pulled over, because I sure wouldn't have. 99.9% of the time, the tailgater is just being an asshole and just *can't stand* going the speed limit. This is one of the rare [and I mean RARE] times that they had a legitimate reason for being an ass. The OP was not a terrible person for going slower, just human. If you're going to say that, shouldn't you also say that the driver was a terrible person because he really did jeopardize the woman and her baby by taking his eyes off the rode and twisting around to point in the backseat? Besides, honestly the driver should've passed earlier if he was on his way to the hospital, instead of trying to tailgate the person. It takes literally one second to do so.


@OP, don't feel bad about it. I'd have done the same thing. If anyone's at fault, it's the 99% of the population that tailgates while their wife is not in labor. The man should have yelled that his wife was in labor instead of acting like an ass.

Still, if someone is honking at you, you sure as hell should not go very slow on purpose.

Actually I do that all the time. The only people that get a pass are police officers and usually they have strobe lights for headlights. Personally I'd probably do the same thing mainly because most people nowadays drive offensively assuming you're going to be the defensive driver. So normally (and according to the test you take to get your license) you're supposed to slow down to compensate for some jackass riding your ass. You need to make sure there is ample distance in front of you so that if something happened you wouldn't have to slam on your brakes and have the engine block in your backseat. FYL for making the wrong choice this time but keep up the good work. I personally get a little humor out of these situations because in general it's usually someone that didn't allocate his time right and now has to hurry to his destination and become an actual distraction/liability on the road.

riku3220 2

And what if it's an actual emergency like in the OP's case. I'm not saying you should let the driver have what they want but slowing down is just a bitch move.

Ajjas013 6

YOU MOTHER ******! How dare you? You can't just do that? What if their baby is retarted or something because of you? ALL BECAUSE OF YOU? Would you like it if you were in her shoes? I'm disappointed in you.

My God.... Someone is a tad crabby. Cuz being delivered in the backseat of a car will DEFINITELY make a baby retarded. You know, back in the olden days, babies were delievered in the WILDERNESS because hospitals, get this, weren't INVENTED YET!?!?! :OOOOO What?!? Shocking, I know.

Ajjas013 6

Well obviously, but it's still not right to keep a pregnant woman waiting like that. I was just saddened by the fact that some people go out of their way to make others miserable.

RedJester23 6

r u ******** me? you need to either grow up or wake up...... the majority of the population obviously doesn't go out of there way to do nice things for each least in the US

@ nomadxx7: regardless of the situation, not getting over for people that want to drive faster is as rude as not holding a door open for someone. I don't drive much faster than the speed limit, but it's very annoying when someone is driving slow in the fast lane. I don't like it when someone is driving dangerously fast either, but getting over is just being courteous, and actually safer because they won't end up resorting to dashing in and out of lanes to get by you. In fact, getting over is better defensive driving. Yes, they are being rude by tailgating, but what does being rude back accomplish? Nothing.

2bobbybowdens 0

Too many drivers think their journey is more important. So many drivers cause so mcuh danger jsut to get a few seconds ahead. It was unlucky this time but I bet 99% of the time you get tailgated it's just by some impatient prick

#109- Not sure if trolling, or just really stupid.

I think that one day that kid will be able to spell retarded properly honey...

Um a baby can't be retarded from being born in a car... Babies are born at home all the time. Research.

Getting over when it's a two lane isn't possible unless you pull off on the side of the road. I firmly agree with the OP's actions. If I am being tailgated I will slow down until they back the hell off.

283, OP said the wife was clearly in labor. I think that puts the 10 hours out the window.

206 is that why you're retarded? Someone driving slow in front of your dad?

shadow33456 1

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how come is the OP a bitch? Seriously, way to many crazy people on the roads. The guy should scream that his wife is in labour. I don't see a reason why OP should feel embarrass . I agree your life is ******

how come is the OP a bitch? Seriously, way to many crazy people on the roads. The guy should scream that his wife is in labour. I don't see a reason why OP should feel embarrass . I agree your life is ******

renaet 0

Okay yeah would you lean out your window and risk crashing on a highway when the OP could have had her window rolled up and speakers blaring with your wife screaming so loud that you don't even know if your making any noise? Let's try to make a little ounce of sense next time. Kay? Thanks.

Yet it's perfectly alright and also very safe to be riding someone's ass and honking at them (that's pretty much the definition they'd lock you up for under "road rage"). Plus how about if their was an accident on the highway? Lady in labor can't part a sea of automobiles. So in the scheme of things the OP isn't wrong and the guy doesn't get a pass because his wife's in labor. If anything he's risking his wife, himself and his kid driving erratically. Plus you can call the cops for an escort if need be, call an ambulance if need be or worse case have the kid in the back of the car (it's been done in the past and will continue into the future).

renaet 0

But there wasn't an accident and there was no reason for the OP to be driving SLOWER than the speed limit, from what I understand of the FML. I agree that tailgating is dangerous but if the OP would have just let the driver pass instead of "being a bitch back" people wouldn't have road rage.

As annoying as it may be, there is usually nothing illegal about driving less than the speed limit. And it is called a speed limit because that's as fast as you're supposed to go not because you're required to go that fast.

But, you can get in trouble for driving too slow though.

Yes do keep letting the road ragers have their way instead of obeying the law.

You can only get in trouble if you are going under a certain amount. Which on the interstate highway is 45.

kelkat09 0

that's your fault. you should never do that anyways.

thighsofglory 0

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Selfish cows don't get pregnant without artificial insemination.

Actually, if you get pulled over for speeding but can prove it's an emergency, such as going into labor, the police will escort you to the hospital. How many people do you know who have called the ambulance when they/their wives went into labor? Because everyone I've heard of has just jumped into the car and driven to the hospital.

actually, cops can't be "douches" and give you a ticket anyway. If you can show that there was an emergency, speeding is lawful. You comment about your father's girlfriend having a child in an ambulance is exactly the reason that you would GO instead of waiting for an ambulance. Go have children so you can understand the situation, in the meantime - STFU

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

Wait, your father couldn't take 5 minutes to dry off, put on some clothes and jump in the car? He sounds like a lazy asshole, can you imagine that conversation? "HONEY I'M GOING INTO LABOR!" "Aww but i'm all wet and its cold outside and I might catch just stay put in the bathroom so you don't mess up the carpets and i'll call the ambulance, ok?" Seriously your father being a little cold is more of a problem than his girlfriend going into labor? And you first said that she had her kid in the ambulance, but then said that she had her kid a few minutes after going into is going on here??

I've had two kids and going rushing to the hospital while in labor is something that only happens on TV or if you wait until the very last possible minute. If labor has progressed so far where you have to drive like a maniac, risking the lives of everyone in the car and those around you, you need to call an ambulance. If pulled over the cop should give him two things: (1) paramedics and an ambulance to the hospital and (2) and ticket for reckless driving.

janise 2

Where do you live? Where I live it takes a good 20 minutes at the least for the ambulance to get to where they need to be.

Ok calm down.... I know that sometimes people make mistakes but you don't have to point that out all the time!

dan_grundlingh 0

I get flipped off for going up hills but its because my car honestly can't go any faster

GR3453m0nk3y 4

you couldve just saved the time writing all of that and just wrote- "I'm a ****" PLEXICO WHERE ARE YOU!!?!??!??!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

yohaun12 3

i knw!! where is he when you need him??

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Agreed. There's a reason there are laws against aggressive driving, OP. What you did was terrible. You may have seriously jeopardized that woman's health, as well as that of her baby.

The person with the pregnant wife doesn't have the right to tailgate and honk their horn at this person driving. They were both in the wrong.

Disagreed. How the hell was the OP supposed to know there was a woman giving LABOR in the backseat? Honestly, would you have pulled over, because I sure wouldn't have. 99.9% of the time, the tailgater is just being an asshole and just *can't stand* going the speed limit. This is one of the rare [and I mean RARE] times that they had a legitimate reason for being an ass. The OP was not a terrible person for going slower, just human. If you're going to say that, shouldn't you also say that the driver was a terrible person because he really did jeopardize the woman and her baby by taking his eyes off the rode and twisting around to point in the backseat? Besides, honestly the driver should've passed earlier if he was on his way to the hospital, instead of trying to tailgate the person. It takes literally one second to do so.

cucuto89 0

if the OP looked in her read view mirror she would proably see the woman in labor

It was probably a 1 lain and he couldn't just simply go around him.

theteal 0

Yea because when I look in my rear view mirror I can clearly see every person in the car behind me including someone who was in the backseat, probably lying down. NOT! Firstly the driver who was tailgating had many other options aside from being an ass. 1. Flashing the high beams which usually signals to another driver that something is amiss. 2. Using hazard lights. 3. Passing on a shoulder. 4. Sticking a hand out a window and waving erratically. Slightly less effective but it communicates that there's more going on then him just being an ass. 4. Or the best option would have been to call for a police escort or ambulance. Plus the driver obviously wasn't so concerned that when he broke away he sped off to the hospital. He slowed to flip OP off and point in the backseat another stupid and dangerous move.

kellydee1056 0

That man is dumb. Just call an ambulance. The ambulance will obviously have the right-of-way in traffic and get to the house faster. That man was also dumb for driving crazy with his pregnant wife!

someone done this when my mum was having me, lmao..

No ********, the inconsiderate driver is the twat driving behind her who was quite frankly endangering everybody. Of you bother to read the highway code it does say that if someone drives like that behind you, you are meant to gradually slow down until they back the **** off.

Tempting to say "you had no way of knowing", but that's exactly why you should give people the benefit of the doubt. You could always rationalize letting them pass by thinking: "you're just gonna get to your speeding ticket faster if I let you pass" . Works for me ;-)

But you don't even know if the man and his wife were really speeding. It's possible OP was going under the speed limit, it's very common and totally infuriating.

SnowVixen 0

Even if OP was going less than the speed limit, which I will agree is annoying, tailgating is still very dangerous and illegal.

SnowVixen 0

It says that as soon as they got to a 2 lane the other car passed. So OP wasn't driving slow in the fast lane, and there was no lane to change to. And since when is taking the space OP is entitled to acting like she owns it. If anyone thought they owned the road, it was the man who just expected people to get out of the way because he was tailgating and honking. Even OP admits she was being a bitch, but she wasn't impeding traffic or driving illegally just because one person was slowed down.

I love getting passive aggressive with assholes on the road :D sure, that might make me an asshole too, but no matter, it's my kind of road rage! as for this particular incident, I don't see putting others lives at risk, (including the unborn child's) just to crap out a baby. I'm well aware complications can occur, but Christ, just stay calm and composed and take it from there. (cue endless botching about the agony of childbirh)

perdix 29

I hope the baby's hand was sticking out of his mom's ****** and it was also flipping you off! In Texas, you can get shot for such dickish/cuntish behavior on the road. In your case, you'd deserve it.

Yea, but that's Texas... people sleep with their cousins there I don't see what everyone's problem is. I do the same thing when people come right up behind me, unless there was somewhere I could pull into and let them pass.

So you're an ignorant moron too...way to go! Most states have laws that require you to keep right except to pass. Who the hell do you think you are to dictate how fast another moron should drive when you cant follow the simple laws? In addition, Ambulances are not permitted to speed either! They must follow the same laws as everyone else. If they do need to proceed through an intersection with a stop or red light, they need to come to a full stop, then proceed. Having said that, you are required to yield to thier right of way.

theteal 0

What state do you live? Firstly ambulances do not have to stop at red lights and do not have to obey speed limits if there is an emergency and their lights/siren are on. Cars and pedestrians are supposed to yield to them for just that reason. That is why ambulances get to hospitals in time to save lives.

rlly!?! i have never seen an ambulance with a dying person in the back stop at a red light and wait for it to turn green. im prettyy sure when u hear a siren u r supposed to go to the side of the road to let it by

yeah absolutely, if an ambulence comes up behind you with it's lights on, you're meant to do anything you can to get out of it's way (without endangering anybody). They are allowed to run red lights, the other people are meant to stop and wait.

devilsonic 0

**** u Texas is not a country place that's a huge steriotype I live in Houston down here it can be very ghetto

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pins91 27

Where do you live where ambulances aren’t allowed to speed?! That’s the whole point of an emergency. You need to get there ASAP or someone could potentially die.