By agstadra - 08/12/2010 15:24 - Canada

Today, I was sitting in a parked car. A woman was having difficulties maneuvering out. She honked the horn repeatedly for me to move, then looked me in the eye and called me a "f**king bitch", before driving off. I was in the passenger seat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 994
You deserved it 3 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could always throw the glovebox open and reach in. Seems to scare people when I do it :)

Should have looked her in the eyes and fapped, that would have shown her.


thrAsHeRr9081 16

You should've just smiled and blew her a kiss. Oh man, that just pisses them off even more hahaha

deven176 0

Some people deffinetly dont deserve drivers licenes.

thisgirl2u 9
kawigurl 0

if she cant get out of a parking spot, she shouldnt be driving! what a dumbass!

Driving is silly, eventually we'll all be able to teleport. We already have the technology to do so.

patiencek 0

how is that a fml? you didn't do anything wrong. no reason to get all "omg fml some lady looked at me all ignorant."