By Skier - 29/01/2010 02:01 - Canada

Today, I was skiing really fast and there was a sign saying 'Slow Down'. Feeling rather good about myself I decided to jump over the sign. Whilst jumping, however, I caught my ski tips on the sign and went face first into the ground. Hard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 232
You deserved it 55 541

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And this, children, is how natural selection works! This person will now develop a fatal brain defect that will prevent them from breeding and thus helping to thin the herd of the weak and the stupid!

YDI. Idiots like you are the ones we end up having to call for ambulances for at the ski hill I work at. Stop being a show-off and do what the sign says. They're there to keep you and others safe and also for liability.


NegativeZ 0

You deserved it but not as bad as these jerks are saying you did. It's not like if he deserved it its not an FML. He did something really dumb and got hurt really bad for it. Simple, fair and a good FML story.

jyd62 0

it's morons like u who cause sky high insurance rates thanks

EveryDayJackAss 0

i wonder if it would make a difference if the sign said "SLOW THE **** DOWN!" seriously, they should put on of those up these days.....

They put those things up for a DAMN ******* GOOD REASON! YDI --a fellow skier

cml210 0

this is the funniest effing thing ive ever heard of. congrats!

those signs are clearly too tall to jump over, esp given that they are not placed directly under any sort of jump. Any idiot should know that.

Never pick a fight with a sign, they always win. trust me I know.

That'll teach you to mess with authority, you dumbass kid! JK...