By chinesef000d - 29/08/2009 05:38 - United States

Today, I was sleeping in my apartment when I woke up to the smell of smoke. Alarmed, I ran out to the kitchen to find my roommates trying to put out a fire on the stove. As soon as they saw me, they ran for it, informing me that it was my problem now. They used my good frying pan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 965
You deserved it 3 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

By beating them with one of your other frying pans, this fixes the problem.

Darth_Taco 14

Wow. Make them pay for it? Don't do what I would do (hunt them down and beat the crap out of them).


jskibabe22 4

fyl for having a good frying pan. we rnt all ir dryin pans good?

Star16 0

your stove is on fire and your sad cause they used your good frying pan? I think a new house and/or stove would cost more than a pan. YDI for having stupid friends in your house while you were sleeping.

Usernaame 0

Aw Damn, not the good pan!!!

You complain that they used your good frying pan? I'd be more worried about making sure the fire doesn't spread.

massacreman3000 1

find one of their laptop chargers, open it up, and bypass the ac input directly to the wires that go to the laptop. seal the connection with electrical tape, and the next time they go to use their charger, it will destroy the motherboard. best to do this with rubber gloves on, to minimize evidence. im not responsible for anything should anyone try this. this is also a fire hazard, use caution. also, do not attempt this while the cable is plugged in. youll likely die then.

Get the pan and hit the shit out of them

jarockstar27 10

And thats when you lock them out with the chain lock.....jerks

"Oh, Lord Jesus, it's a fire. Ain't nobody got time for that!"

bleedingglitter 24

I quickly learned that living with roommates is just not worth it. Just get a small place and live alone.