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By Anonymous - 01/09/2009 15:18 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to my boyfriend's house to meet his parents. After hundreds of passive-aggressive comments, my boyfriend and I went into the kitchen. I started complaining to him about how his parents were horrible and mean. Little did I know, his parents had followed us in and were right behind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 393
You deserved it 48 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Always wait until you leave to say things like that. And you probably should've said something more like "Wow, they're making me feel kinda bad in there. I don't think they like me, I feel as though they're trying to be mean."

...And then you all had an orgy. The end! You're dating him, not his parents. Ok, so they're assholes. They obviously don't like you either. Move on.


It truly does suck. I dated a girl with outright racist parents so I know how awkward it is meeting parents who intentionally try to make you uncomfortable. Keep your head up, OP.

efmivida 0

that really sucks, but what were you supposed to do you know

YDIforbeingu 0

YDI for not observing your surroundings

she deserved it for insulting a guys parents not just in front of him, but also in front of them she completely deserved it for being a bitch

That's BS, the parents deserve it for being @ssholes and he deserves it for not standing up for her... she should dump them all!!!

Always wait until you leave to say things like that. And you probably should've said something more like "Wow, they're making me feel kinda bad in there. I don't think they like me, I feel as though they're trying to be mean."

Yeah, I second that too. There's always a way to turn it to make it better and less like you're the one being mean. ^^;

You keep your mouth shut about his parents at least until you're out of the house, duh.

...And then you all had an orgy. The end! You're dating him, not his parents. Ok, so they're assholes. They obviously don't like you either. Move on.

Because he'll take all his pent-up aggression out on her during sex? Eh, you make a good point, Plexico.

ouch.. that sucks.. yeah not such a great thing to say at their house..

daammn that sucks, but it is partly your fault for not waiting till you were out of the house or a safe distance xD

lendmeyourteeth 0

you didn't hear them follow you..?