By chinesef000d - 29/08/2009 05:38 - United States

Today, I was sleeping in my apartment when I woke up to the smell of smoke. Alarmed, I ran out to the kitchen to find my roommates trying to put out a fire on the stove. As soon as they saw me, they ran for it, informing me that it was my problem now. They used my good frying pan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 965
You deserved it 3 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

By beating them with one of your other frying pans, this fixes the problem.

Darth_Taco 14

Wow. Make them pay for it? Don't do what I would do (hunt them down and beat the crap out of them).


i_is_a_tr00l 0

YDI for not being Jeffree Star! >:<3

moonlight_daze 8
halowarz25 0

Make the assholes pay for the damage!

MissJlk 0

Ew. It's things like this that makes me hate having roommates. No one is respectful of other people's belongings.

Oh no not your good frying pan!!! What is this world coming to???!

wow a 20 dollar ******* frying pan boo hoo what a ******* bitch my frying pan is broken waaa wwaaaaa im a big bitch my 20 dollar frying pan waaa waaa maybe ill have to go to ******* walmart and buy a new one but instead im gonna bitch on FML seriously stop being a bitch OP

drknssdrgn 0

You do realize that depending on the OPs cookware it may be quite a bit more that $20 dollars right? Don't be stupid depending on the cookware he decided to buy it could be a LOT more... A "good" frying pan like professional cookware (ie Gordon Ramsay's cookware) can cost around $100.00 for just the frying pan alone. Which is perfectly acceptable if, say, the OP is in culinary school or he is a real chef that likes to cook on only the best. So get off your high horse, not all pans are created equal and a $20 dollar pan from wal-mart is a piece of crap. The roommate is in the wrong for not only starting the fire, but for using the OPs things. The roommate probably knew how expensive the pan was and that's why they ran. OP - Just make him buy you a new one and repair any damage in the kitchen at his expense.

oh wow a hundred dollars who gives a flying **** if u cant afford a hundred dollars then why the **** would they have a hundred dollar pan in the first place fuckhead

drknssdrgn 0

wow you're aggressive aren't you? Its not that he doesn't have the money.. its that he spent it and it's 100 dollars down the drain... I wish I lived your life where its ok to throw $100 bills in the trash....

aceofspades6528 0

wow you're ******* retarded. Y'know some people actually LIKE cooking and spend good money on REAL pans, so calm the **** down just because everyone isn't like you.

cryssycakesx3 22

wtf a $20 pan is not a "piece of crap" price doesn't always equal quality. you sound like an elitist asshole. of OP wasn't in culinary school or a chef would a $100 pan be less "acceptable?"

mister_moops 0

wow. some roommates, huh? instead of worrying about the fire, they're worrying about getting into trouble with you. although, there was a ******* fire. who gives a shit about a pan?