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By Anonymous - 19/02/2011 06:17 - United States

Today, I was so lonely, I wound up talking for two hours to the creep who calls my number every Friday night and makes creepy obscene breathing noises on the other end of the phone. Turns out he's a better listener than my husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 758
You deserved it 5 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's odd because every Friday night I call this desperate housewife and yesterday she ranted for two hours about how her husband still wears adult diapers


kofinater 3

He's a better listener than your husband because he was jacking off to the sound of your voice...

0-0 what. don't you have friends? why the **** would you talk to some creeper..usually when people are lonely, they go to their friends to talk and spend the time.

That is one of the saddest things I've ever heard. Just don't start creeping your creeper or that will enter a whole new level of weirdness.

jewjewB 0

wow your desperate he could be a stalker

jazziness 12

why wouldn't u just talk to your husband?

missy1228 2
DearlyBeloved20 3

Cause apparently the stalker is a better listener

There must've been other people you could've talked to. Why on earth would you go to such a creep? For all you know he could be dangerous. If you really felt that lonely you need help OP.

sometimes its nice to get to know ur stalker

Is that your personal experience? Do you want to share it with us?

What if the creepy guy is her husband in disguise!

atomheartm_fml 0

Exactly what I was thinking, maybe it IS her husband!

AndelleRae 9

that's odd because every Friday night I call this desperate housewife and yesterday she ranted for two hours about how her husband still wears adult diapers

seximexi911 10

whoa I know there's someone else you can talk to. I'm pretty sure a few people on here will say " message me if you need someone to talk to..." but not if you keep talking to the creeper haha it kind of sends the wrong vibes

Why would anyone offer to help her without knowing her? That's stupid logic and I doubt she would take advice from a person with the username "seximexi"...

says the girl with ridiculous cleavage in her photo