By Amk - 28/04/2017 07:00 - United States - Fayetteville
Same thing different taste
By anonymouschicka - 01/08/2009 19:20 - United States
By CanIGoHomeNow - 18/07/2021 08:01
Birth certificate
By figures - 29/11/2009 01:53 - United States
By Anonymous - 22/09/2009 14:12 - United States
By --- - 12/02/2022 14:00
By TatooFAIL - 06/10/2009 14:38 - United States
By Anonyme - 29/05/2012 10:19
Classic rookie mistake
By Anonymous - 04/11/2023 20:00 - United States
Hey! Teachers! Leave those kids alone!
By Anonymous - 24/09/2021 13:58
By Fml24609 - 09/08/2010 08:29 - United States
Top comments
I was relieved to see that you are a patient about to get a diagnostic exam. At first, I thought you were a medical student. If nerves make you screw up so badly, I wouldn't want you doing my vasectomy!
What's to be nervous about? Worst case is they don't find what's wrong, that's not so bad. They could find a break, or conclude you're unhurt and merely soft, but those aren't bad either.
Doctors are supposed to have bad handwriting, not bad spelling!
I have done that. My name is also Amy. :-/
İts funny cause it says amk. Türkler anlayacaktır.
During my mom's passing, while we were starting to sort her affairs I, somehow, adopted my sister's married name in court documents.

What's to be nervous about? Worst case is they don't find what's wrong, that's not so bad. They could find a break, or conclude you're unhurt and merely soft, but those aren't bad either.