By me. - 07/05/2012 20:38 - Canada - Orillia

By me. - 07/05/2012 20:38 - Canada - Orillia
By shallowvomit1013 - 23/12/2009 01:09 - United States
By Danny - 28/05/2012 18:02 - Ireland - Dublin
By tigerbyrn - 30/05/2016 15:35 - Canada - Scarborough
By sad-boing - 02/10/2015 21:01 - United Kingdom - Dartford
By Sicko - 28/08/2010 23:52 - France
By zingle af - 26/07/2017 20:00
By Anonymous - 07/06/2013 07:10 - United States - Marion
By dgordo3 - 09/02/2009 01:01 - United States
By strangely - 25/07/2015 00:12 - United States - San Francisco
By mavrick127 - 29/09/2016 14:21 - United States - Atlanta
Every Pokemon! Apart from Zubat. I hate those little flying *******, there's like a million in one cave.
Bubble, however, is a Pokemon move...though it was probably more a case of hydro pump...
No hydro pumping this one. Just his Onix using Harden.
Wild Metapod used Harden.
Gardevoir used flash. Wild Metapod is stunned.
Wild Metapod used Growth...
This thread is the greatest nerdfest ever.
It was obviously Snorlax 26!
173- we're I couldn't help it, I had to do something or else I would have been thinking of it all day.
I think I lost brain cells by reading this pokemón conversation...
158 nah, it was probably Jynx...
Tell yourgirlfriend to wear a pikachu costume when your about to have sex. It may help. ;)
I think the fml was fantasizing about a bunny chick from final fantasy
I'm 100% sure I saw a comment on FML just yesterday by some cute blonde woman in a pikachu costume...
Next time just picture your grandma naked with her gray pubes showing. that should get rid of it ;)
Doctorhook you are correct a girl did make a comment in a pikachu costume or hoodie. Pretty interesting coincidence. Lol
117) It's never too late to check.
Awesome Profile pic
Cosplay girls can be sexy :]
77, Maybe you liked to walk around everywhere with a raging hard on but some people feel a little uncomfortable doing that...
One of my fears when thinking about other things to get rid of unwanted erections was that my mind would end up associating those things with arousal and whenever I see, hear or think of them it'd happen again...
3- Pikachu is super sexy when Jessica Nigri dresses as her. *drools*
OP chose Pukachu!(;
If you only know Pikachu...Pokemon is not for you.
I Pikachu in the shower c;
It is not very effective. OP fainted.
The harder you try not to think about your erection, the harder it gets.
Lmao I love this!
Giggly puff is one sexy pokemon...
Eh, some people just don't know the names.
I can name practially every pokemon aside from B&W. Maybe half or less of D/P/P and almost all of R/S/E and all from the rest.
Sorry guys, my phone autocorrected me. :S
166 - Knowing any Pokemon after the first 150 is lame. /hipster pokémaster
151 Pokemon! You need to count Mew!! D:
*waves cane* back in my day if you wanted a complete pokedex you had to trade to get the other two starter Pokemon!
Have you been to a funeral?
I don't think Sarcasm is a Pokémon.
2ndSucks used Sarcasm. It's not very effective... Had to be done. *flies away*
*at your girlfriend's house
So, Pickachu turns you on? Or Jigglypuff? Jigglypuff is actually pretty hot.. Did I say that out loud?
"jiggly puff is one fine piece of ass" Anyone seen that?
Metapod used Harden!
And goddamned if it didn't look like an erect dick, too
Ivysaur is evolving! Ivysaur evolved into Penisaur! Do you want to give a nickname to Penisaur?
Your Me Gusta picture seems to go so well with your comment.
Girlfriend - Do you want anything to eat? OP - Yeah some crisps would be nice Girlfriend - Ok, imma go get some *leaves room* OP - Chatizard, pikachu....! *jizzes* Girlfriend - *walks in and stares* OP - Oh god why....
Geek...senses...tingling....Gah! *Charizard I'm ashamed of myself.
Ahh autocorrect, it had served and humiliated me for so long... We should be proud of being nerds and geeks! We have to carry it on for generations to come! Nerds and Geeks unite!
Tell yourgirlfriend to wear a pikachu costume when your about to have sex. It may help. ;)
It is not very effective. OP fainted.