By AnnaMarie. - 28/02/2009 20:41 - United States

Today, I was standing in the parking lot with my sister, after my aunt's funeral, when my grandma walks up and says to my sister, "You're the one going places in life, I'm proud to have you as a grand daughter." She then looked at me, and walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 570
You deserved it 3 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lemonkid44 0

Wow. That's a horrible thing to say. Don't worry about it though. You can't let anyone else validate you. You know who you are and where you're going and only you can control that. Hey, that should give you even more motivation to kick ass in life! Show that granny who's boss ;)

Wow, what reason would she have to say that? And at your aunt's funeral? That's terrible...


kay04 0

im sorry, that's very sad :( you should correct her and tell her how much of a failure you are NOT

My Grandma is like that with me too. She's just bitter cuz she got old before she knew anything about enjoying life.

musicalmandi16 0

i agree with #1. it worked when my aunt did that to me. and at least your fml got accepted on the site!

musicalmandi16 0

hey, the next place she's going to go is the ground.

Let me guess: You're the one with the tattoo of a bloody skull on your neck and your sister is president of her class. Just a hunch.

With poor grammer [sic] like that, you deserve it.

hahah.... you should tell her she's going places too... a shitty retirement home :)

maybe your sister knows how to use apostrophes.

This sounds like my life... D: Except it was my grandmother who passed, and she was the one who did believe in me. Meanwhile, no one else does. My brother is their ~golden child~ or whatever.