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Nice timing

By whitneyy - 03/08/2009 12:04 - Australia

Today, I went to my grandfather's funeral. As I stood there, bawling my eyes out, my aunt came over and put her arm around me. She leaned her head close to mine. I assumed she was going to say something comforting. Instead she asked where I'd bought my shoes from. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 165
You deserved it 3 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shit, at least she didn't say something like "He never really liked you, you know." Sorry about your grandpa.


terrible fml. whoever moderated this should be ceremoniously fired

haishawna 0

atleast she liked your shoes.

23: Agreed. This is just dumb, not an FML at all. Seriously, it happens, and it's not that awful at all. I was asked where I got my sunglasses at my cousin's funeral. Who cares? Though I suppose I could say FYL for grandpa dying.

Agree with ya'll, the FML's today are shittier than shit. "OMG, MY LIFE IS RUINED BECAUSE MY AUNT ASKED ME WHERE I GOT MY SHOES! WHAT EVER SHALL I DO!?" Like what kind of twat would really think "fml" in that situation? Holy christ.

bbobe900000 0

Jesus ****. you guys are retarded. "omfg these fmls suck" "let's complain about everything"

I normally don't complain about an FML unless it's particularly awful. And this is.

Same, I don't complain about em unless they are super shitty...which this one is,,, and are complaining about people complaining

sukhdeep 4

I moderated this and said yes and it got accepted. SO HA Ha!

poiuyloopy 0
mosarmini 0

They better have been some italian or something..sorry about ur grandpa =[

LMAO. I am so sorry about your grandfather, but if that isn't one of the most hilarious things I've read... I can totally picture one of my relatives doing it.

Shit, at least she didn't say something like "He never really liked you, you know." Sorry about your grandpa.

Well... since you were bawling your eyes out did you ever think your aunt was trying to distract you so that you would stop crying uncontrollably? Stop being so self centred. This is more a CYGL *celebrate your grandfathers life* instead of a FML.

giggity0giggity 0

I agree with jimboom- my thoughts exactly.

The exact same thing happened to me- my aunt was just trying to distract me from crying. It was a little weird at the time though. :)