By look how totally not racist I am! - 11/07/2014 03:32 - United States - Salida

Today, I was stuck on a campus tour with my subtly racist mother who, in an attempt to seem open-minded, deemed it appropriate to refer to our black tour guide as "Sistah". FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 098
You deserved it 4 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully people won't assume you're a racist just because your mother is.

Lol the worst part is you look racist by proxy now. just say she's off her meds and hope for the best.


Axel5238 29

I feel for the OP I was in Japan with my mother and she made a "me so solly" joke. I immediately stopped her and told her how racist that was, but she still find it funny. She's completely clueless as to how bad it was and also seems to think just saying oops ect. some how makes it ok. Hope your mom is aware that while the intent was good, but still a bad idea. Though some just don't realize the negativity and stereotypes reinforced by stuff like that.

I find this hilarious, and honestly if i were the guide I'd probably laugh, and if not blow it off. Lmao

kotake 7

I mean I wouldn't stress it too much, I think there's some room to be ignorant as long as you're well-meaning. Then there's just constantly spewing hatred without any regard for other people's feelings and that is where I think the line is drawn.

For some reason a nun comes to mind...maybe the sound of music will reveal a bit

the fact you recognize your mothers actions speaks volumes