By imafrickenidiot - 08/03/2010 08:33 - France

Today, I was supposed to talk to my girlfriend's mom to ask permission to date her daughter but I chickened out. We've been together for almost a year, but have not been on a real date because I am too damn scared of her family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 960
You deserved it 46 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedTriceratops 0

you have to ask their parents to date someone?


I totally understand!!! I relate to that completely. my bf and I have been together for nearly 7 months, but my mother is trying to hold us apart. both of us are scared to ask her, but are determined too now that she's being so mean about us being together.

Why do you need permission from her family to date her? Just ask her out and she will ask her parents. e.o

Both of my ex-girlfriend's parents own guns and have licenses. I know how you feel.

You don't sound like you deserve a girlfriend if your this much of a puss.

You're lucky, I had to ask my girlfriends dad!

First of all isn't reeeally old school to ask the parents for permission? second of all why is YOU hav to do it - shouldn't it be your girlfriends job to inform her parents that she got a boyfriend?

gatorgirl7563 22

Sorry, OP, but without saying why you find them so intimidating, (and it being a good reason,) you won't be getting any sympathy from most the people on this site. But, as a shy person myself, you get an "I agree, your life sucks" from me.

Well then prepare to lose her. If you can't step up now how do you expect to care for your wife?