By imafrickenidiot - 08/03/2010 08:33 - France

Today, I was supposed to talk to my girlfriend's mom to ask permission to date her daughter but I chickened out. We've been together for almost a year, but have not been on a real date because I am too damn scared of her family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 960
You deserved it 46 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedTriceratops 0

you have to ask their parents to date someone?


ydi for being a pussy I mean it's not like her mom is going to beat your ass for dating her and a year and you haven't talked to her familiy wow

You have to ask her parents permission to date her? are you like 10...

Just go for it! Fight for your love :) Good luck xxx

Wow. That's a great idea, OP. Leading a false life always works out so well. Don't expect me not to laugh if your situation snowballs.

my bf never and I mean never comes in my house or does anything involving my mom because he's scared of her. it's pretty much the most annoying thing ever, so friken man up.

haha my boyfriend had the same problem. I ended up yelling my parents and forced him to come over. it all turned out great and they love him knowing he won't have the strength to rape me

ClaireBear16757 0

awww :( I know this sounds mean... but suck it up and ask. You like her enough to go out with her. So buck up, be polite, and talk to her mom. I'm sure they'll love you.