By paymeinhugs - 17/03/2009 01:04 - United States

Today, I was swimming in the ocean with my best friend and a giant wave came and knocked off the bottom of my bikini. My friend told me that she would go get another bottom so I could walk onto the very crowded beach. She left me for half an hour, laughing from the shore with her entire family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 537
You deserved it 6 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

awwww shes a douchebag. she's NOT a friend

She's a friend, it's what we do... Sucks, but you'll have to get her back =)


alex_vik 0

#38 - It's called a meme, not being a pervert. Educate yourself on the internet if you're going to use it.

with whole family? well thats no more funny

one23four 0

At least the ocean isn't as clear as a pool is.

Just tell her you hope a good laugh was worth losing a friend.

vitaminsandminer 0

lol why are people taking this so seriously? i would definitely do that to my friend haha, and you know the OP is exaggerating with the half an hour, nothing is funny for that long she probably just thought it was longer because she had to stand in the ocean for so long with no bottoms [also there are swimsuit bottoms that tie, so it is possible for them to fall off people]

crypix 0

What's the big deal? You were nearly naked before you lost your bottom, what's a couple extra square inches of flesh?

#3 I always carry two bikinis..the one I'm wearing and an extra one in my bag...and as a matter of fact I know many women that do... At OP: Dang, that was messed up what they did to you...*lol* I could understand like 5 minutes...but that sucks!

its not so bad. just laugh it off and give your friend a high five. dont seek revenge, walk away the taller person and now you have an awesome story. i dont see why this is such a terrible thing.

Do bikini's really fall off so easily? I know, a wave, but sheesh. Also: this is what friends are all about. Now you have to get even. Also, I'm pretty sure half an hour is an exaggeration. Nobody could laugh at something like that for half an hour.