By NittanyMangini - 26/05/2016 16:37 - United States

Today, I was taking a biology final and was just randomly tapping my pencil. My teacher thought I was somehow communicating with the person next to me, and decided to fail me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 291
You deserved it 1 520

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Paranoid delusions are no laug—*glances at OP's username* …FML, is this really you? Have you become self-aware? What would you like me to do first, FML?

She must of thought you were using morse code


Your teacher has not studied Occam's razor.

devans00 14

The teacher (and classmates) probably annoyed by the tapping noise. Finally found a way to make you stop. Did it work?

But how can i work on my finals without my pencil drum solo?

If it was the rhythm of YYZ then I could understand, but if not go talk to your teacher

Maybe she just saw that you were distracting others by tapping and failed you for being a twat. Nothing I hate more than people tapping in an exam.

1 tap is A, 2 taps is B, and so on, then before that I tap a specific amount of times for the question

Now a couple things I think need to be addressed here……first of all, not EVERYONE does well in a silent room during a test. Remember, there are many learning styles? Well there are many different ways of approaching a test. For instance some people might find it easier to concentrate while listening to music, others do well in silence, and there are some who can't even get in the room due to anxiety. While yes many can think it's rude to make ANY noise during a test…it personally drives me crazy (silence in general drives me crazy). Also, tapping a pen or pencil is one of the MOST COMMON actions people do when they're thinking/stuck on a question…bad on your teacher OP for being quick to jump the gun