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By Anonymous - 25/04/2021 11:01

Today, a friend of mine has stopped brushing his teeth, because, "animals don’t brush their teeth either." You know what else animals don’t do? Smoke a pack of Marlboros a day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 057
You deserved it 94

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One of the top regrets older adults have is not taking better care of their dentle hygiene. Hopefully your friend figures this out before they do some real damage.

Lydmyers 9

that is so gross! all of his teeth are going to fall out of his head.


One of the top regrets older adults have is not taking better care of their dentle hygiene. Hopefully your friend figures this out before they do some real damage.

Lydmyers 9

that is so gross! all of his teeth are going to fall out of his head.

You need a smarter friend than this person. Wear a mask and spray it with your favorite bodyspray

Advance 56

Some do brush their teeth. Others have ever-growing teeth. Some have always new teeth. And the rest starve to death when they lose their teeth if we humans don't feed them soft foods.