By tatatest - 06/04/2012 03:02 - United States - Casselberry

Today, I was taking a really big test in a class that I was failing. It was worth at least 7 grades so I studied my butt off. During the test, a girl with huge breasts sat down next to me and I couldn't stop staring. My test got confiscated because they thought I was cheating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 480
You deserved it 59 030

Same thing different taste

Top comments

All that counts is that you tried your breast, I mean best.


Sorry, but you kinda deserved that /:

Yeah, OP, you're kind of a pig. If you were that worried about the test, you would have focused on that instead of the ta-tas next to you. Next time, don't act like you've never seen big boobs before.

**** never get old, you just cant get enough of them no matter what!

rcgirl2 11

That's your fault for staring.

next time 6 hours study 15 minutes to ********** and 45 minutes to take a nap

You seriously need your priorities in order. I'm all for checking out a nice pair of ta ta's, and I'm a straight female. However, there's a time and a place. If you seriously couldn't even avert your eyes for a couple hours to concentrate on a test that you [allegedly] spent hours studying for, then there's something wrong. Either grow up and stop thinking with your dick, or do some concentration exercises. Try to read a chapter of your textbook with a huge picture of boobs on your computer screen or something, I don't know. I know that male hormones can be frustrating sometimes, but you're not an infant anymore and you need to learn some self control. tl,dr: OP racks disciprin.

bigmackin35 0

Proves my theory: No matter what boons are irresttsistable

I hope she smacked you one, she isn't something for you to oogle at--show some respect, she is a person, not a thing. You probably put her off too, you creep