By Jammy238 - 01/02/2010 05:27 - France

Today, I was taking my dogs for a walk, then it started to rain, and the wind went mad. I ran for cover in the trees near a bridge, slipped and fell into a river. I was soaking wet and my boots were full of water. Then to get back out of the river, I had to use stinging nettles as hand holds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 708
You deserved it 3 742

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I was gonna ask, and I wasn't kidding. Hope your dogs are ok.


you didn't have to grab nettles and YDI for been a retard

I think next time u should take a car to the place u walk your dogs!

elliejelly 0

Um so....did your dogs fall in the river too? where were they the whole time? Why didn't they try to rescue you and pull you out? I don't believe you.

like 40 percent of FMLs are slip and falls. that isn't fml, that's **** my day.

lovemee12 0

You just happened to fall into a river? Stupid.

OMG! Now that is what they call bad luck!