By Jammy238 - 01/02/2010 05:27 - France

Today, I was taking my dogs for a walk, then it started to rain, and the wind went mad. I ran for cover in the trees near a bridge, slipped and fell into a river. I was soaking wet and my boots were full of water. Then to get back out of the river, I had to use stinging nettles as hand holds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 708
You deserved it 3 742

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I was gonna ask, and I wasn't kidding. Hope your dogs are ok.


x805xUnknown 6

Haha, at least you didn't get soaking wet and fall into like a river or something. Glad to hear that the dogs were ok though.

Why not just float down the river a little where there aren't stinging nettles?

pryo 0

You guys are think of Cnidaria. like jelly fish but not quite. cnido means stinging nettle. like jellyfish cnidaria have mesoglea which is the jelly like stuff in the jellyfish/cnidaria. either their is ALSO a plant called stinging nettle, or the OP just confused something.

Gazoooo 0

Nettles suck! I discovered them while setting up a tent amongst them. Felt like a combination of electricity and fire shredding my legs. I later heard from a park ranger u can make some sort of super healing tea from that plant. I don't think I'll ever try it.

Gazoooo 0

My experience was on an Abalone dive trip where we stayed at Casini Ranch in Northern CA

jadesvoise 0

did u know if you fold the leaves and crush the pricklies you can actually eat it? it's not bad .. but sorry u crushed them all over ur hands!!

MikeAKATheBoss 0